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Contributed by Roman Ronko ( profile, ResearchGate profile). The data were gathered in 2021.

R.R.'s photo

How to cite

Ronko, Roman. 2022. Nominal causal constructions in Shughni. In: Say, Sergey, Natalia Logvinova, Elizaveta Zabelina, and Natalia Zaika (eds.). 2022–. NoCaCoDa: Typological database of nominal causal constructions. St. Petersburg: Institute for Linguistic Studies, RAS. (Data first published on December 5, 2022; last revised on December 5, 2022). (Available online at Accessed on .)


Status: main; causal marker: az

Lemolak az yūx̌k xist sa-t.
handkerchief( f ) el tears wet go- pst . f
The handerchief got soaked from tears.


Status: main; causal marker: az

Xix̌čak az wazmini virux̌-t.
branch el weight break- pst
The branch broke from the weight.


Status: main; causal marker: az

ɣ̌inik az dasti δud kêx-t.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f ) el caus smoke cough- pst
The woman is coughing because of the smoke.


Status: main; causal marker: az dasti

Maš az dasti torik-i soyil na-win=ām.
1 pl . obl el caus darkness-3 sg shore neg -see=1 pl
We can’t see the shore because of the darkness.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jat

Maš torik-i ǰāt soyil na-win=ām.
1 pl . obl darkness-3 sg caus shore neg -see=1 pl
We can’t see the shore because of the darkness.


Status: alternate; causal marker: az rui

Maš az rui torik-i soyil na-win=ām.
1 pl . obl el caus darkness-3 sg shore neg -see=1 pl
We can’t see the shore because of the darkness.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

Wi čorik=en podstavit čū-d.
3 sg . m . obl man=3 pl quit_on do- pst
This man was wrong-footed.
Note: No satisfactory translation has been obtained.


Status: main; causal marker: az

daraxt az xūdz wêx-t.
dem 3. f . sg tree( f ) el wind fall- pst
The tree fell due to the wind.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

Wi čorik=i tok δo-d xu yu mū-d.
3 sg . m . obl man( m )=3 sg current give- pst refl dem 3. m . sg die- pst
The man received an electric shock and died.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expression corresponding to the causing event is not a syntactic dependent of the expression corresponding to the caused event


Status: alternate; causal marker: az

Yu čorik az tok mū-d.
dem 3. m . sg man( m ) el current die- pst
The man died because of the electric shock.


Status: main; causal marker: az

ɣ̌inik az ɣawɣo agā1 sa-t2.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f ) el noise( m ) wake_up(intr)1,2- pst . f
The woman woke up from the noise.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

Wam ɣ̌inik=i ɣawɣo agā1 čū-d2.
3 sg . f . obl woman( f )=3 sg noise wake_up(tr)1,2- pst
The woman was woken up by the noise.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: main; causal marker: az

Wi čorik kāl az pivo birext-darθ kix̌t.
3 sg . m . obl man( m ) head( m ) el beer drink. inf -pain do. npst .3 sg
The man has a headache from the beer.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

ɣ̌inik az wi pi-šūnčak δo-d.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f ) el 3 sg . m . obl sup -laughter give- pst
The woman laughed at it [the puppy's].
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the noun phrase used in the nominal causal construction semantically deviates from the one intended by the stimulus sentence.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

ɣ̌inik az wi kor pi-šūnčak δo-d.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f ) el 3 sg . m . obl work sup -laughter give- pst
The woman laughed at its movements [the puppy's].
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the noun phrase used in the nominal causal construction semantically deviates from the one intended by the stimulus sentence.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

Yu čorik az wam zax̌rnok moyi xīdow mū-d.
dem 3. m . sg man( m ) el 3 sg . f . obl poisonous fish( f ) eat. inf die- pst
The man died from eating a poisonous fish.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the noun phrase used in the nominal causal construction semantically deviates from the one intended by the stimulus sentence.


Status: main; causal marker: tar

ɣāc tar xu bax̌o xušizor.
dem 3. f . sg girl( f ) eq refl grade rejoiced
The girl was happy about her grade.


Status: main; causal marker: az

ɣ̌inik-i az xu čor gāp-en qār čū-d.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f )-3 sg el refl husband word- pl anger do- pst
The wife was angered by her husband’s words.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

Wi ɣiδā-ra fikri lap xuš ya-t.
3 sg . m . obl boy( m )- lat thought( m ) very happy come- pst
The boy was happy with what was said.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: main; causal marker: az

Yu čorik az maɣ̌ӡůnǰ-i zorδ δo-d.
dem 3. m . sg man( m ) el hunger- izf heart( m ) give- pst
The man was weakened by hunger.


Status: main; causal marker: az

Yu čorik az maɣ̌ӡůnǰ-i mū-d.
dem 3. m . sg man( m ) el hunger- izf die- pst
The man died from hunger.


Status: main; causal marker: az

Yu čorik az darθ xax̌-aθ wāγ-d.
dem 3. m . sg man( m ) el pain loud- adv cry- pst
The man screamed from the pain.


Status: main; causal marker: az

ɣ̌inik az šitoji laɣ̌dza kix-t.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f ) el cold shiver do- pst
The woman shivered from the cold.


Status: main; causal marker: az

Yu kūdak az x̌oj daraw1 nīw2 δo-d3.
dem 3. m . sg child( m ) el fear start_to_cry1,2,3- pst
The child cried out of fear.


Status: main; causal marker: az

Yu kūdak az xuši pi-šūnčak δo-d.
dem 3. m . sg child( m ) el happiness sup -laughter give- pst
The child laughed from happiness.


Status: main; causal marker: az

Yu kūdak az x̌oj tar saraj xu ǰoy čū-d.
dem 3. m . sg child( m ) el fear eq barn refl hide do- pst
The child hid in the barn out of fear.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

Yu čorik=i aloawle čū-d xu qaror-aθ nūs-t.
dem 3. m . sg man( m )=3 sg shame do- pst refl quiet- adv sit- pst
The man did not say anything, modestly.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expression corresponding to the causing event is not a syntactic dependent of the expression corresponding to the caused event


Status: main; causal marker: LOC

ɣ̌inik-i x̌oj-and xu virod θūst-and qāp1 δo-d2.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f )-3 sg fear- loc refl brother hand- loc grab1,2- pst
The woman got hold of her younger brother in fear.


Status: main; causal marker: az

ɣ̌inik az kor mot sic.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f ) el work tired become. pf . f
The woman is tired from work.


Status: main; causal marker: az dasti

ɣ̌inik az dasti tivdak-en tar xu x̌êvdow na-vār δo-d.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f ) el caus mosquito- pl eq refl sleep. inf neg -can give- pst
The woman can’t fall asleep because of the mosquitoes.


Status: main; causal marker: az rui

x̌ac svetly dives-t az rui mêst.
dem 3. f . sg water( f ) bright show- npst .3 sg el caus crescent
The water looks bright because of the moon.


Status: main; causal marker: blagodara

Yu čorik udačnayā tar oxota su-t blagodar'a wi kud=ard.
dem 3. m . sg man( m ) successful eq hunt go- pst thanks_to 3 sg . m . obl dog= lat
Thanks to his dog, the man had a successful hunt.


Status: alternate; causal marker: az rui

Yu čorik udačnayā tar oxota su-t az rui wi kud.
dem 3. m . sg man( m ) successful eq hunt go- pst el caus 3 sg . m . obl dog
Thanks to his dog, the man had a successful hunt.


Status: main; causal marker: dar

ɣ̌inik tar xočor dar čorik qar δo-d.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f ) eq angered on man anger give- pst
The wife was angry at her husband.


Status: main; causal marker: az rui

ɣ̌inik az rui xu čor tar kor-i der1 čū-d2.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f ) el caus refl husband eq work- izf be_late1,2- pst
The woman was late for work because of her husband.


Status: alternate; causal marker: daroyi

ɣ̌inik daroyi xu čor tar kor-i der1 čū-d2.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f ) caus refl husband eq work- izf be_late1,2- pst
The woman was late for work because of her husband.


Status: alternate; causal marker: az dasti

ɣ̌inik az dasti xu čor tar kor-i der1 čū-d2.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f ) el caus refl husband eq work- izf be_late1,2- pst
The woman was late for work because of her husband.


Status: main; causal marker: az rui

Odam-en=en az rui zamīnǰumb mū-d.
man- pl =3 pl el caus earthquake die- pst
The people died because of the earthquake.


Status: main; causal marker: az rui

Fuk bad kor-i=en az rui odam s-en.
all bad work-3 sg =3 pl el caus man go- npst .3 pl . sh
All distresses happen because of man.


Status: main; causal marker: qullu

Qullu operacija-ard yu čorik bi=di wīnt.
gratitude surgery- lat dem 3. m . sg man( m ) good= comp see. npst .3 sg
The man could see better thanks to the surgery.


Status: main; causal marker: qullu

Qullu ik wi čorik=ard ɣ̌inik zindā.
gratitude em 3 sg . m . obl man( m )= lat dem 3. f . sg woman( f ) alive
The woman is alive only thanks to this man.


Status: main; causal marker: az rui

Yu čorik=i dar1 bōra2 di lů-d az rui xu biaqligari.
dem 3. m . sg man( m )=3 sg regarding1,2 ptcl say- pst el caus refl stupidity
The man told his wife about it out of stupidity.


Status: main; causal marker: az rui

ɣ̌inik az rui xu bey-i parwo kirx̌ sa-t.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f ) el caus refl without- adj care slippery go- pst . f
The woman slipped because of her carelessness.


Status: main; causal marker: az dasti

Lůčik=i vār1 δo-d2 samalůt nêδdow az dasti xu opyt.
pilot( m )=3 sg be_able1,2- pst plane land. inf el caus refl experience
The pilot was able to land the plane as he had solid experience.


Status: main; causal marker: az rui

Yu pilot=i az rui xu nofām-i wam samalůt na-vār δo-d nêδdow.
dem 3. m . sg pilot( m )=3 sg el caus refl dumb-3 sg dem .3 f . sg . obl plane neg -can hit- pst land. inf
The pilot couldn’t land the plane with the lack of experience.


Status: main; causal marker: az

Waxti δêd-and odam-en=en az maɣ̌ӡůnǰ-i wox̌ xū-d.
while war- loc man- pl =3 pl el hunger- izf grass eat- pst
In wartime, people ate grass out of hunger.


Status: main; causal marker: az rui

ɣ̌inik az rui xu lubopitnigora tar darūn de-d.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f ) el caus refl curiosity eq inside enter- pst
The woman went inside out of curiosity.


Status: main; causal marker: az rui

Yu čorik=i az rui revnost xu ɣ̌in zī-d.
dem 3. m . sg man( m )=3 sg el caus jealousy refl wife kill- pst
The man killed his wife out of jealousy.


Status: main; causal marker: az rui

Yu čorik=i az rui xu gordost fuk-ard-aθ dar1 bōra2 di lů-d.
dem 3. m . sg man( m )=3 sg el caus refl pride everyone- lat - adv regarding1,2 ptcl say- pst
The man told everyone about it out of pride.


Status: main; causal marker: az

ɣ̌inik=i az qār fuk wi ǰogā virux̌-t.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f )=3 sg el anger all 3 sg . m . obl dishes( m ) break- pst
The woman broke all the dishes out of anger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: az rui

ɣ̌inik=i az rui qār fuk wi ǰogā virux̌-t.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f )=3 sg el caus anger all 3 sg . m . obl dishes( m ) break- pst
The woman broke all the dishes out of anger.


Status: main; causal marker: az rui

ɣ̌inik=i az rui šitoje xu loq qati x̌uft.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f )=3 sg el caus cold refl clothes com sleeping
The woman went to sleep dressed because of he cold.


Status: main; causal marker: az rui

Molimā-i az rui wi talabā kostum wi tārīf čū-d.
teacher( m )-3 sg el caus 3 sg . m . obl student( m ) suit( m ) 3 sg . m . obl praise do- pst
The teacher commended the student for his clothes.


Status: main; causal marker: jat

Yu čorik=i xu amsoyā wi gāp ǰāt δo-d.
dem 3. m . sg man=3 sg refl neighbour( m ) 3 sg . m . obl word( m ) caus give- pst
The man killed his neighbor because of his words.


Status: main; causal marker: az rui

Wa kudak-en=en az rui půt δêd1 su-t2.
dem . pl child- pl =3 pl el caus ball fight1,2- pst
The children fought over the ball.


Status: main; causal marker: az rui

Yu čorik az rui čīd xu virod qati δêd1 su-t2.
dem 3. m . sg man( m ) el caus house refl brother com fight1,2- pst
The man argued with his younger brother over the house.


Status: main; causal marker: az rui

ɣ̌inik=i az rui wi sūrat-en wam kitob zox̌-t.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f )=3 sg el caus 3 sg . m . obl appearance-3 pl dem .3 f . sg . obl book( f ) buy- pst
The woman bought the book because of the pictures.


Status: main; causal marker: az rui

ɣ̌inik=i az rui xu bezeb nastroen xu ox̌no qati na-wīn-t.
dem 3. f . sg woman( f )=3 sg el caus refl ugly mood refl friend com neg -see- pst
The woman did not meet her friend because of her bad mood.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

Note: No satisfactory translation has been obtained.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

Note: No satisfactory translation has been obtained.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

Note: No satisfactory translation has been obtained.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

Note: No satisfactory translation has been obtained.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

Note: No satisfactory translation has been obtained.