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Contributed by Sergey Dmitrenko. The data were gathered in 2021.

How to cite

Dmitrenko, Sergey. 2022. Nominal causal constructions in Khmer. In: Say, Sergey, Natalia Logvinova, Elizaveta Zabelina, and Natalia Zaika (eds.). 2022–. NoCaCoDa: Typological database of nominal causal constructions. St. Petersburg: Institute for Linguistic Studies, RAS. (Data first published on December 1, 2022; last revised on December 1, 2022). (Available online at Accessed on .)


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

kɒnsaeŋ nih tɔtɯk cọk daoj1 saː2 tɯk3 phnɛ:k4 rɔbɒh niəŋ
handkerchief this be_wet drench daoj _ sa ː1,2 tear3,4 poss young_girl
This handkerchief got soaked from her tears.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

mɛ:k chɤ: bak daoj1 saː2 tumŋʊən phlae rɔbɒh viə
branch tree break daoj _ sa ː1,2 weight fruit poss 3
The branch broke from the weight of its fruit.


Status: alternate; causal marker: maok pi

mɛ:k chɤ: bak maok1 pi:2 tumŋʊən phlae rɔbɒh viə
branch tree break maok _ pi ː1,2 weight fruit poss 3
The branch broke from the weight of its fruit.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

mɛ:k chɤ: bak prʊəh1 tae2 tumŋʊən phlae rɔbɒh viə
branch tree break pr ƱƏ h _ tae 1,2 weight fruit poss 3
The branch broke from the weight of its fruit.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

niəŋ srɒk tɯk1 phnɛ:k2 daoj3 saː4 phsaeŋ coul knoŋ phnɛ:k rɔbɒh niəŋ
young_girl drip tear1,2 daoj _ sa ː3,4 smoke enter in eye poss girl
She was crying because the smoke made her eyes tear.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

niəŋ srɒk tɯk1 phnɛ:k2 prʊəh3 tae4 phsaeŋ coul knoŋ phnɛ:k rɔbɒh niəŋ
young_girl drip tear1,2 pr ƱƏ h _ tae 3,4 smoke enter in eye poss girl
She was crying because the smoke made her eyes tear.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

niəŋ srɒk tɯk1 phnɛ:k2 maok3 pi:4 phsaeŋ coul knoŋ phnɛ:k rɔbɒh niəŋ
young_girl drip tear1,2 maok _ pi ː3,4 smoke enter in eye poss girl
She was crying because the smoke made her eyes tear.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

niəŋ srɒk tɯk1 phnɛ:k2 daoj3 saː4 miən phsaeŋ
young_girl drip tear1,2 daoj _ sa ː3.4 have smoke
She was crying because there was smoke.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: daoj sa

niəŋ srɒk tɯk1 phnɛ:k2 daoj3 saː4 phsaeŋ
young_girl drip tear1,2 daoj _ sa ː3,4 smoke
She was crying because of the smoke.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

jɤːŋ mɤːl mɯn khɤːɲ mɔat tɔnle: daoj1 saː2 coh Ɂap
1 pl look neg see bank river daoj _ sa ː1,2 get_down fog
We cannot see the river bank because the fog has settled.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

jɤːŋ mɤːl mɯn khɤːɲ mɔat tɔnle: prʊəh1 tae2 coh Ɂap
1 pl look neg see bank river pr ƱƏ h _ tae 1,2 get_down fog
We cannot see the river bank because the fog has settled.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

jɤːŋ mɤːl mɯn khɤːɲ mɔat tɔnle: maok1 pi:2 coh Ɂap
1 pl look neg see bank river maok _ pi ː1,2 get_down fog
We cannot see the river bank because the fog has settled.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: daoj sa

jɤːŋ mɤːl mɯn khɤːɲ mɔat tɔnle: daoj1 saː2 Ɂap
1 pl look neg see bank river daoj _ sa ː1,2 fog
We cannot see the river bank because of the fog.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

boʔrɒh nih trəw coap1 kuk2 daoj3 saː4 kɒmhoh rɔbɒh poulih
man this pass put_in_prison1,2 daoj _ sa ː3,4 mistake poss police
The man was put in prison by the mistake of the police.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

daəm1 chɤ:2 nih rɔlʊm daoj3 saː4 khjɒl kɒntrak
tree1,2 this fall daoj _ sa ː3,4 wind pull_out
This tree fell because it was pulled out by the wind.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: daoj sa

daəm1 chɤ:2 nih rɔlʊm daoj3 saː4 khjɒl pjuh
tree1,2 this fall daoj _ sa ː3,4 wind tornado
This tree fell because of the wind storm.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

kɔat slap daoj1 saː2 krɔap3 pruəɲ4
3 die daoj _ sa ː1,2 arrow3,4
He died from an arrow.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

niəŋ phɲeak piː deːk daoj1 saː2 lɯː sou sɒmleːŋ khlaŋ
young_girl wake_up prep sleep daoj _ sa ː1,2 hear sound sound strong
She woke up from the loud noise.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

niəŋ phɲeak piː deːk prʊəh1 tae2 lɯː sou sɒmleːŋ khlaŋ
young_girl wake_up prep sleep pr ƱƏ h _ tae 1,2 hear sound sound strong
She woke up from the loud noise.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

niəŋ phɲeak piː deːk maok1 pi:2 lɯː sou sɒmleːŋ khlaŋ
young_girl wake_up prep sleep maok _ pi ː1,2 hear sound sound strong
She woke up from the loud noise.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

mɯt1 pheak2 khɲom chɯː kba:l daoj3 saː4 sra: biːjɛː
friend1,2 1 sg ache head daoj _ sa ː3,4 alcohol beer
My friend has a headache from the beer.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

niəŋ saəc daoj1 saː2 khɤːɲ koun chkae lẹːŋ
young_girl laugh daoj _ sa ː1,2 see child dog play
She laughed as she watched the puppy play.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

jaːŋ1 təc2 mɔnuh 27 neak baːn slap daoj3 saː4 sraː
at_least1,2 person 27 clf prf die daoj _ sa ː3,4 alcohol
At least 27 people died because of the alcohol.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

pu: sok slap maok1 pi:2 pul phsət
uncle pn die maok _ pi ː1,2 poison mushroom
Uncle Sok died because of the toxic mushroom.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the noun phrase used in the nominal causal construction semantically deviates from the one intended by the stimulus sentence.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

mɔnuh 2 neak slap prʊəh pul trəj1 krɒpɔːt2
person 2 clf die pr ƱƏ h poison toadfish1,2
Two people died because of the poisonous toadfish.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the noun phrase used in the nominal causal construction semantically deviates from the one intended by the stimulus sentence.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

koˀmarɛj nih treːk1 ɒ:2 nah daoj3 saː4 niəŋ baːn pintuˀ lˀɒː
girl this be_delighted1,2 very daoj _ sa ː3,4 young_girl receive grade good
The girl was happy to receive a good grade.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: daoj sa

koˀmarɛj nih treːk1 ɒ:2 nah daoj3 saː4 pintuˀ lˀɒː
girl this be_delighted1,2 very daoj _ sa ː3,4 grade good
The girl was happy with her good grade.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

prɒpʊən khəŋ khlaŋ daoj1 saː2 piək sɒmdəj rɔbɒh pdəj
wife anger strong daoj _ sa ː1,2 word conversation poss husband
The woman was angered by her husband's words.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

prɒpʊən khəŋ khlaŋ prʊəh1 tae2 piək sɒmdəj rɔbɒh pdəj
wife anger strong pr ƱƏ h _ tae 1,2 word conversation poss husband
The woman was angered by her husband's words.


Status: alternate; causal marker: maok pi

prɒpʊən khəŋ khlaŋ maok1 pi:2 piək sɒmdəj rɔbɒh pdəj
wife anger strong maok _ pi ː1,2 word conversation poss husband
The woman was angered by her husband's words.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

khɲom rɔmphɤːp riːk1 riəj2 daoj3 saː4 tae kaː suə sok tuk nuh teː
1 sg be_excited rejoice1,2 daoj _ sa ː3,4 restr nmlz ask happiness grief that emph
I was excited by the mere question on how I was doing.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

boʔrɒh nih ˀɒh1 kɒmlaŋ2 daoj3 saː4 kaː5 ˀɒt6 khliən7
man this grow_weak1,2 daoj _ sa ː3,4 hunger5,6,7
This man grew weak from hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

boʔrɒh nih ˀɒh1 kɒmlaŋ2 prʊəh3 tae4 kaː5 ˀɒt6 khliən7
man this grow_weak1,2 pr ƱƏ h _ tae 3,4 hunger5,6,7
This man grew weak from hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh

boʔrɒh nih ˀɒh1 kɒmlaŋ2 prʊəh kaː3 ˀɒt4 khliən5
man this grow_weak1,2 pr ƱƏ h hunger3,4,5
This man grew weak from hunger.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

koat slap daoj1 saː2 kaː3 Ɂɒt4 khliən5
3 die daoj _ sa ː1,2 hunger3,4,5
He died from hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

boʔrɒh nih slap prʊəh1 tae2 cɔmŋɯː mɔhaːriːk
man this die pr ƱƏ h _ tae 1,2 disease cancer
This man died from cancer.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh

boʔrɒh nih slap prʊəh cɔmŋɯː mɔhaːriːk
man this die pr ƱƏ h disease cancer
This man died from cancer.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

boʔrɒh nih slap maok1 piː2 kɔat miən cɔmŋɯː mɔhaːriːk
man this die maok _ pi ː1,2 3 have disease cancer
This man died because he had cancer.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

koat sraek daoj1 saː2 kaː chɯː3 сap4
3 scream daoj _ sa ː1,2 nmlz feel_pain3,4
He was screaming from pain.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

koat sraek prʊəh1 tae2 kaː chɯː3 сap4
3 scream pr ƱƏ h _ tae 1,2 nmlz feel_pain3,4
He was screaming from pain.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

niəŋ rɔŋiə ɲɔa khluən daoj1 saː2 ɁaːkaːsəɁthiət trɒceak
young_girl be_cold shiver refl daoj _ sa ː1,2 weather cold
She was shivering because of the cold weather.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

niəŋ rɔŋiə ɲɔa khluən prʊəh1 tae2 ɁaːkaːsəɁthiət trɒceak
young_girl be_cold shiver refl pr ƱƏ h _ tae 12 weather cold
She was shivering because of the cold weather.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh

niəŋ rɔŋiə ɲɔa khluən prʊəh ɁaːkaːsəɁthiət trɒceak
young_girl be_cold shiver refl pr ƱƏ h weather cold
She was shivering because of the cold weather.


Status: alternate; causal marker: maok pi

niəŋ rɔŋiə ɲɔa khluən maok1 piː2 ɁaːkaːsəɁthiət trɒceak
young_girl be_cold shiver refl maok _ pi ː1,2 weather cold
She was shivering because of the cold weather.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

niəŋ jʊm daoj1 saː2 səckdəj phit phej
young_girl cry daoj _ sa ː1,2 nmlz fear be_afraid
She cried from fear.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

niəŋ jʊm prʊəh1 tae2 səckdəj phit phej
young_girl cry pr ƱƏ h _ tae 1,2 nmlz fear be_afraid
She cried from fear.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

koun saəc sɒpbaːj daoj1 saː2 səckdəj riːk3 riəj4 knoŋ cət rəbɒh viə
child laugh cheer daoj _ sa ː1,2 nmlz rejoice3,4 in heart poss 3
The child laughed with joy.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

daoj1 saː2 səckdəj Ɂiən kmah koun leak3 khluən4 knoŋ phteah mɯn ceːɲ maok cuəp phɲiəw teː
daoj _ sa ː1,2 nmlz be_shy be_ashamed child hide3,4 in house neg leave approach meet guest neg
As the child was ashamed, he hid in the house and didn't get out to meet the guests.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh

prʊəh səckdəj Ɂiən kmah koun leak1 khluən2 knoŋ phteah mɯn ceːɲ maok cuəp phɲiəw teː
pr ƱƏ h nmlz be_shy be_ashamed child hide1,2 in house neg leave approach meet guest neg
As the child was ashamed, he hid in the house and didn't get out to meet the guests.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

prʊəh1 tae2 səckdəj Ɂiən kmah koun leak3 khluən4 knoŋ phteah mɯn ceːɲ maok cuəp phɲiəw teː
pr ƱƏ h _ tae 1,2 nmlz be_shy be_ashamed child hide3,4 in house neg leave approach meet guest neg
As the child was ashamed, he hid in the house and didn't get out to meet the guests.


Status: alternate; causal marker: maok pi

maok1 piː2 səckdəj Ɂiən kmah koun leak3 khluən4 knoŋ phteah mɯn ceːɲ maok cuəp phɲiəw teː
maok _ pi ː1,2 nmlz be_shy be_ashamed child hide3,4 in house neg leave approach meet guest neg
As the child was ashamed, he hid in the house and didn't get out to meet the guests.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

kɔat mɯn chlaɯj nɯŋ sɒmnuə nih tẹː daoj1 saː2 səckdəj khlaːc rɔbɒh kẹː
3 neg answer prep question this neg daoj _ sa ː1,2 nmlz be_afraid poss 3
He didn't answer the question out of fear.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

daoj1 saː2 ˀaːrɒːm ɒh sɒŋkhɯm khlaŋ pẹːk niəŋ cap crɒbac daj rɔbɒh pdɛj jaːŋ khlaŋ
daoj _ sa ː1,2 feeling drain hope strong too_much young_girl grasp fasten hand poss husband appearance strong
Ouf of desperation the woman clasped her husband's hand tightly.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

prɒpʊən khɲom Ɂɒh1 kɒmlaŋ2 daoj3 saː4 niəŋ thvɤː kəc5 kaː6 ŋiə7 ciə8 craən9
wife 1 sg get_tired1,2 daoj _ sa ː3,4 young_girl do work5,6,7 a_lot8,9
My wife is tired with much work to do.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: daoj sa

prɒpʊən khɲom Ɂɒh1 kɒmlaŋ2 daoj3 saː4 kəc5 kaː6 ŋiə7 ciə8 craən9
wife 1 sg get_tired1,2 daoj _ sa ː3,4 work5,6,7 a_lot8,9
My wife is tired with much work to do.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

prɒpʊən khɲom Ɂɒh1 kɒmlaŋ2 prʊəh3 tae4 kəc5 kaː6 ŋiə7 ciə8 craən9
wife 1 sg get_tired1,2 pr ƱƏ h _ tae 3,4 work5,6,7 a_lot8,9
My wife is tired with much work to do.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

koat deːk mɯn lʊək daoj1 saː2 muːh kham
3 lie_down neg sleep daoj _ sa ː1,2 mosquito bite
He lied down without sleeping because mosquitoes bit him.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: daoj sa

koat deːk mɯn lʊək daoj1 saː2 muːh
3 lie_down neg sleep daoj _ sa ː1,2 mosquito
He lied down without sleeping because of the mosquitoes.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

koat deːk mɯn lʊək prʊəh1 tae2 muːh kham
3 lie_down neg sleep pr ƱƏ h _ tae 1,2 mosquito bite
He lied down without sleeping because mosquitoes bit him.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

koat deːk mɯn lʊək maok1 pi2ː muːh kham
3 lie_down neg sleep maok _ pi ː1,2 mosquito bite
He lied down without sleeping because mosquitoes bit him.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

nəw pẹːl nih tɯk tɔnlẹː miən poa prak daoj1 saː2 caŋ pɔnlɯː preah3 can4
in time this water river have colour silver daoj _ sa ː1,2 reflect light moon3,4
The water in river is silver now because it reflects the moonlight.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

nəw pẹːl nih tɯk tɔnlẹː miən poa prak daoj1 saː2 miən pɔnlɯː preah3 can4
in time this water river have colour silver daoj _ sa ː1,2 have light moon3,4
The water in river is silver now because of the moonlight.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: daoj sa

nəw pẹːl nih tɯk tɔnlẹː miən poa prak daoj1 saː2 pɔnlɯː preah3 can4
in time this water river have colour silver daoj _ sa ː1,2 light moon3,4
The water in river is silver now because of the moonlight.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

neak1 prɒmaɲ2 cap sat baːn craən daoj3 saː4 chkae rɔbɒh kɔat svak
hunter1,2 catch animal receive a_lot daoj _ sa ː3,4 dog poss 3 successful
The hunter caught many animals due to his prosperous dog.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: daoj sa

neak1 prɒmaɲ2 cap sat baːn craən daoj3 saː4 chkae rɔbɒh kɔat
hunter1,2 catch animal receive a_lot daoj _ sa ː3,4 dog poss 3
The hunter caught many animals due to his dog.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

neak1 prɒmaɲ2 cap sat baːn craən prʊəh3 tae4 chkae rɔbɒh kɔat
hunter1,2 catch animal receive a_lot pr ƱƏ h _ tae 3,4 dog poss 3
The hunter caught many animals due to his dog.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

neak1 prɒmaɲ2 cap sat baːn craən prʊəh chkae rɔbɒh kɔat svak
hunter1,2 catch animal receive a_lot pr ƱƏ h dog poss 3 successful
The hunter caught many animals due to his prosperous dog.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

Note: This translation is not included in the database because the noun phrase used in the nominal causal construction semantically deviates from the one intended by the stimulus sentence.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

sətrəj nih maok1 jɯːt2 daoj3 saː4 pdəj rɔbɒh kɔat
woman this be_late1,2 daoj _ sa ː3,4 husband poss 3
This woman was late for work because of her husband.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

puək neak1 ne:sa:t2 trəj3 slap daoj4 saː5 tɯk6 cʊmnʊən7 khlaŋ
pl fisherman1,2,3 die daoj _ sa ː4,5 flooding6,7 strong
Fishermen died because of a flooding.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

puək neak1 ne:sa:t2 trəj3 slap prʊəh4 tae5 tɯk6 cʊmnʊən7 khlaŋ
pl fisherman1,2,3 die pr ƱƏ h _ tae 4,5 flooding6,7 strong
Fishermen died because of a flooding.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

puək neak1 ne:sa:t2 trəj3 slap maok4 piː5 miən tɯk6 cʊmnʊən7 khlaŋ
pl fisherman1,2,3 die maok _ pi ː4,5 have flooding6,7 strong
Fishermen died because of a flooding.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

ɁaːkaːsəɁthiət knoŋ piɁphɔp1 lọk2 kan3 tae4 kdaw khlaŋ daoj5 saː6 sakammaphiəp rɔbɒh mɔnuh jɤːŋ
weather in world1,2 more_and_more3,4 hot strong daoj _ sa ː5,6 activity poss person 1 pl
The climate is getting hotter because of the human activities.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the noun phrase used in the nominal causal construction semantically deviates from the one intended by the stimulus sentence.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

ɁaːkaːsəɁthiət knoŋ piɁphɔp1 lọk2 kan3 tae4 kdaw khlaŋ prʊəh5 tae6 sakammaphiəp rɔbɒh mɔnuh jɤːŋ
weather in world1,2 more_and_more3,4 hot strong pr ƱƏ h _ tae 5,6 activity poss person 1 pl
The climate is getting hotter because of the human activities.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the noun phrase used in the nominal causal construction semantically deviates from the one intended by the stimulus sentence.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

ɁaːkaːsəɁthiət knoŋ piɁphɔp1 lọk2 kan3 tae4 kdaw khlaŋ prʊəh sakammaphiəp rɔbɒh mɔnuh jɤːŋ
weather in world1,2 more_and_more3,4 hot strong pr ƱƏ h activity poss person 1 pl
The climate is getting hotter because of the human activities.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the noun phrase used in the nominal causal construction semantically deviates from the one intended by the stimulus sentence.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

ɁaːkaːsəɁthiət knoŋ piɁphɔp1 lọk2 kan3 tae4 kdaw khlaŋ maok5 piː6 sakammaphiəp rɔbɒh mɔnuh jɤːŋ
weather in world1,2 more_and_more3,4 hot strong maok _ pi ː5,6 activity poss person 1 pl
The climate is getting hotter because of the human activities.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the noun phrase used in the nominal causal construction semantically deviates from the one intended by the stimulus sentence.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

Ɂəjlɤw kɔat mɤːl khɤːɲ teaŋ1 Ɂɒh2 lɁɒː3 ciəŋ4 mun5 daoj6 saː7 miən sɒljeaɁkam tʊmnɤːp knoŋ pẹːl paccopbɒn
now 3 look see everything1,2 better_than_before3,4,5 daoj _ sa ː6,7 have surgery modern in time present
He can see better now thanks to the modern surgery.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the noun phrase used in the nominal causal construction semantically deviates from the one intended by the stimulus sentence.


Status: alternate; causal marker: daoj sa

Ɂəjləw kɔat mɤːl khɤːɲ teaŋ1 Ɂɒh2 lɁɒː3 ciəŋ4 mun5 daoj6 saː7 sɒljeaɁkam tʊmnɤːp knoŋ pẹːl paccopbɒn
now 3 look see everything1,2 better_than_before3,4,5 daoj _ sa ː6,7 surgery modern in time present
He can see better now thanks to the modern surgery.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

Ɂəjlɤw kɔat mɤːl khɤːɲ teaŋ1 Ɂɒh2 lɁɒː3 ciəŋ4 mun5 prʊəh miən sɒljeaɁkam tʊmnɤːp knoŋ pẹːl paccopbɒn
now 3 look see everything1,2 better_than_before3,4,5 pr ƱƏ h have surgery modern in time present
He can see better now thanks to the modern surgery.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the noun phrase used in the nominal causal construction semantically deviates from the one intended by the stimulus sentence.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

Ɂəjlɤw kɔat mɤːl khɤːɲ teaŋ1 Ɂɒh2 lɁɒː3 ciəŋ4 mun5 prʊəh6 tae7 miən sɒljeaɁkam tʊmnɤːp knoŋ pẹːl paccopbɒn
now 3 look see everything1,2 better_than_before3,4,5 pr ƱƏ h _ tae 6,7 have surgery modern in time present
He can see better now thanks to the modern surgery.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the noun phrase used in the nominal causal construction semantically deviates from the one intended by the stimulus sentence.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

sətrəj nih nɤw rʊəh daoj1 saː2 boˀrɒh mneak nih cuəj kɔat
woman this be_situated live daoj _ sa ː1,2 man one. clf this help 3
This woman is alive thanks to the man who helped her.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

sətrəj nih nɤw rʊəh prʊəh1 tae2 boˀrɒh mneak nih cuəj kɔat
woman this be_situated live pr ƱƏ h _ tae 1,2 man one. clf this help 3
This woman is alive thanks to the man who helped her.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

sətrəj nih nɤw rʊəh prʊəh boˀrɒh mneak nih cuəj kɔat
woman this be_situated live pr ƱƏ h man one. clf this help 3
This woman is alive thanks to the man who helped her.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

sətrəj nih nɤw rʊəh maok1 piː2 miən boˀrɒh mneak nih cuəj kɔat
woman this be_situated live maok _ pi ː1,2 have man one. clf this help 3
This woman is alive because there was man who helped her.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

boˀrɒh nih prap nəw ˀəvej1 ˀəvej2 teaŋ3 ɒh4 daoj5 saː6 phiəp ləŋʊəŋ khlaw rɔbɒh kɔat
man this say prep everything_that_is1,2,3,4 daoj _ sa ː5,6 nmlz stupid ignorant poss 3
This man said everything because of his stupidity.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh

boˀrɒh nih prap nəw ˀəvej1 ˀəvej2 teaŋ3 ɒh4 prʊəh phiəp ləŋʊəŋ khlaw rɔbɒh kɔat
man this say prep everything_that_is1,2,3,4 pr ƱƏ h nmlz stupid ignorant poss 3
This man said everything because of his stupidity.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

boˀrɒh nih prap nəw ˀəvej1 ˀəvej2 teaŋ3 ɒh4 prʊəh5 tae6 phiəp ləŋʊəŋ khlaw rɔbɒh kɔat
man this say prep everything_that_is1,2,3,4 pr ƱƏ h _ tae 5,6 nmlz stupid ignorant poss 3
This man said everything because of his stupidity.


Status: alternate; causal marker: maok pi

boˀrɒh nih prap nəw ˀəvej1 ˀəvej2 teaŋ3 ɒh4 maok5 piː6 phiəp ləŋʊəŋ khlaw rɔbɒh kɔat
man this say prep everything_that_is1,2,3,4 maok _ pi ː5,6 nmlz stupid ignorant poss 3
This man said everything because of his stupidity.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

khɲom daɯ rɔʔəl duəl daoj1 sa:2 ka: mɯn proŋ prɒjat
1 sg walk slip fall daoj _ sa ː1,2 nmlz neg try be_careful
I slipped because of being careless.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh

khɲom daɯ rɔʔəl duəl prʊəh ka: mɯn proŋ prɒjat
1 sg walk slip fall pr ƱƏ h nmlz neg try be_careful
I slipped because of being careless.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

khɲom daɯ rɔʔəl duəl prʊəh1 tae2 ka: mɯn proŋ prɒjat
1 sg walk slip fall pr ƱƏ h _ tae 1,2 nmlz neg try be_careful
I slipped because of being careless.


Status: alternate; causal marker: maok pi

khɲom daɯ rɔʔəl duəl maok1 piː2 ka: mɯn proŋ prɒjat
1 sg walk slip fall maok _ pi ː1,2 nmlz neg try be_careful
I slipped because of being careless.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

neak1 baɯk2 bɒː3 mneak ruəc piː krʊəh4 thnak5 cɒːracɒː6 daoj7 saː8 cɒmneh cʊmniəɲ pacceakaʔteːh nɯŋ bɒt9 piˀsaot10 rɔbɒh kɔat
driver1,2,3 one. clf prevent prep car_crash4,5,6 daoj _ sa ː7,8 knowledge be_proficient machinery conj experience9,10 poss 3
The drived prevented a car crash due to his proficiency and experience.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh

neak1 baɯk2 bɒː3 mneak ruəc piː krʊəh4 thnak5 cɒːracɒː6 prʊəh cɒmneh cʊmniəɲ pacceakaʔteːh nɯŋ bɒt7 piˀsaot8 rɔbɒh kɔat
driver1,2,3 one. clf prevent prep car_crash4,5,6 pr ƱƏ h knowledge be_proficient machinery conj experience7,8 poss 3
The drived prevented a car crash due to his proficiency and experience.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

neak1 baɯk2 bɒː3 mneak ruəc piː krʊəh4 thnak5 cɒːracɒː6 prʊəh7 tae8 cɒmneh cʊmniəɲ pacceakaʔteːh nɯŋ bɒt9 piˀsaot10 rɔbɒh kɔat
driver1,2,3 one. clf prevent prep car_crash4,5,6 pr ƱƏ h _ tae 7,8 knowledge be_proficient machinery conj experience9,10 poss 3
The drived prevented a car crash due to his proficiency and experience.


Status: alternate; causal marker: maok pi

neak1 baɯk2 bɒː3 mneak ruəc piː krʊəh4 thnak5 cɒːracɒː6 maok7 piː8 cɒmneh cʊmniəɲ pacceakaʔteːh nɯŋ bɒt9 piˀsaot10 rɔbɒh kɔat
driver1,2,3 one. clf prevent prep car_crash4,5,6 maok _ pi ː7,8 knowledge be_proficient machinery conj experience9,10 poss 3
The drived prevented a car crash due to his proficiency and experience.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

nɤw pẹːl miən sɒŋkriəm prɒciəcʊn houp smaw daoj1 saː2 phiəp ˀɒt khliən
in time have war people eat grass daoj _ sa 1,2 nmlz neg hungry
During the war people ate grass out of hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh

nɤw pẹːl miən sɒŋkriəm prɒciəcʊn houp smaw prʊəh phiəp ˀɒt khliən
in time have war people eat grass pr ƱƏ h nmlz neg hungry
During the war people ate grass out of hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

nɤw pẹːl miən sɒŋkriəm prɒciəcʊn houp smaw prʊəh1 tae2 phiəp ˀɒt khliən
in time have war people eat grass pr ƱƏ h _ tae 1,2 nmlz neg hungry
During the war people ate grass out of hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: maok pi

nɤw pẹːl miən sɒŋkriəm prɒciəcʊn houp smaw maok1 piː2 phiəp ˀɒt khliən
in time have war people eat grass maok _ pi ː1,2 nmlz neg hungry
During the war people ate grass out of hunger.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

kɔat coul knoŋ ruːŋ phnʊm nih daoj1 saː2 kɔat cɒŋ dəŋ cɒŋ khɤːɲ ˀəvəj3 ˀəvəj4 teaŋ5 ˀɒh6 nɤw knoŋ ruːŋ phnʊm nih
3 enter in cave mountain this daoj _ sa ː1,2 3 want know want see everything_that_is3,4,5,6 be_situated in cave mountain this
He entered into the cave because he wanted to know what is there in the cave.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

pdəj kap prɒpʊən daoj1 saː2 kaː prɒcan
husband hack_up wife daoj _ sa ː1,2 nmlz be_jealous
The husband hacked his wife up out of jealousy.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

boʔrɒh nuh riəp1 rɔap2 ˀəvəj3 ˀəvəj4 teaŋ5 ˀɒh6 daoj7 saː8 phiəp ˀɒmnuət rɔbɒh kɔat
man that tell1,2 everything_that_is3,4,5,6 daoj _ sa ː7,8 nmlz boast poss 3
The man said everything boasting.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh

boʔrɒh nuh riəp1 rɔap2 ˀəvəj3 ˀəvəj4 teaŋ5 ˀɒh6 prʊəh phiəp ˀɒmnuət rɔbɒh kɔat
man that tell1,2 everything_that_is3,4,5,6 pr ƱƏ h nmlz boast poss 3
The man said everything boasting.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

boʔrɒh nuh riəp1 rɔap2 ˀəvəj3 ˀəvəj4 teaŋ5 ˀɒh6 prʊəh7 tae8 phiəp ˀɒmnuət rɔbɒh kɔat
man that tell1,2 everything_that_is3,4,5,6 pr ƱƏ h _ tae 7,8 nmlz boast poss 3
The man said everything boasting.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

kɔat vaːj bɒmbaek caːn teaŋ1 ˀɒh2 daoj3 saː4 səckdəj kɒmhəŋ rɔbɒh kɔat
3 hit break plate all1,2 daoj _ sa ː3,4 nmlz be_angry poss 3
She broke all the plates out of anger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh

kɔat vaːj bɒmbaek caːn teaŋ1 ˀɒh2 prʊəh səckdəj kɒmhəŋ rɔbɒh kɔat
3 hit break plate all1,2 pr ƱƏ h nmlz be_angry poss 3
She broke all the plates out of anger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

kɔat vaːj bɒmbaek caːn teaŋ1 ˀɒh2 prʊəh3 tae4 səckdəj kɒmhəŋ rɔbɒh kɔat
3 hit break plate all1,2 pr ƱƏ h _ tae 3,4 nmlz be_angry poss 3
She broke all the plates out of anger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: maok pi

kɔat vaːj bɒmbaek caːn teaŋ1 ˀɒh2 maok3 piː4 səckdəj kre:w5 kraot6 rɔbɒh kɔat
3 hit break plate all1,2 maok _ pi ː3,4 nmlz be_furious5,6 poss 3
She broke all the plates out of anger.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

kɔat deːk ˀɒt dɒh khao1 ˀaːw2 ceːɲ tẹː daoj3 saː4 ɁaːkaːsəɁthiət trɒceak khlaŋ knoŋ phteah
3 sleep neg take_off clothes1,2 leave neg daoj _ sa ː3,4 weather cold strong in house
He slept without taking off his clothes because of the cold in the house.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

neak1 kruː2 sɒsaɯ koun səh daoj3 saː4 aːw sɒː dɒː sˀaːt rɔbɒh viə
teacher1,2 commend child student daoj _ sa ː3,4 shirt white attr beautiful poss 3
The teacher commended the schoolchild for his smart white shirt.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

neak1 kruː2 sɒsaɯ koun səh daoj3 saː4 viə peak aːw sɒː dɒː sˀaːt
teacher1,2 commend child student daoj _ sa ː3,4 3 put_on shirt white attr beautiful
The teacher commended the schoolchild for he put on his smart white shirt.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

boʔrɒh nih vaːj neak1 cit2 khaːŋ3 mneak daoj4 saː5 piək ˀaːkrɒk rɔbɒh neak6 cit7 khaːŋ8 nih
man this hit neighbour1,2,3 one. clf daoj _ sa ː4,5 word bad poss neighbour6,7,8 this
The man beat the neighbour for his bad words.


Status: alternate; causal marker: maok pi

boʔrɒh nih vaːj neak1 cit2 khaːŋ3 mneak maok4 piː5 piək ˀaːkrɒk rɔbɒh neak6 cit7 khaːŋ8 nih
man this hit neighbour1,2,3 one. clf maok _ pi ː4,5 word bad poss neighbour6,7,8 this
The man beat the neighbour for his bad words.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

boʔrɒh nih vaːj neak1 cit2 khaːŋ3 mneak prʊəh4 tae5 piək ˀaːkrɒk rɔbɒh neak6 cit7 khaːŋ8 nih
man this hit neighbour1,2,3 one. clf pr ƱƏ h _ tae 4,5 word bad poss neighbour6,7,8 this
The man beat the neighbour for his bad words.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

koun kmeːŋ piː neak vaːj kniə daoj1 saː2 leːŋ bal3 tɔat4
child little two clf hit rec daoj _ sa ː1,2 play football3,4
Two boys fought because of playing football.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the noun phrase used in the nominal causal construction semantically deviates from the one intended by the stimulus sentence.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

boʔrɒh nih chlʊəh1 prɒkaek2 ciə3 muəj4 bɒːŋ proh daoj5 saː6 keː7 meaʔreaʔdɒk8
man this argue1,2 com 3,4 elder_sibling male daoj _ sa ː5,6 inheritance7,8
This man had a fight with his elder brother because of the inheritance.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh tae

boʔrɒh nih chlʊəh1 prɒkaek2 ciə3 muəj4 bɒːŋ proh prʊəh5 tae6 keː7 meaʔreaʔdɒk8
man this argue1,2 com 3,4 elder_sibling male pr ƱƏ h _ tae 5,6 inheritance7,8
This man had a fight with his elder brother because of the inheritance.


Status: main; causal marker: daoj sa

kɔat tɯɲ siəw1 phɤw2 nih daoj3 saː4 kʊmnuː lˀɒː lˀɒː
3 buy book1,2 this daoj _ sa ː3,4 picture good good
He bought this book because of beautiful pictures.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

kɔat tɨɲ siəw1 phɤw2 nih daoj3 saː4 miən kʊmnuː lˀɒː lˀɒː
3 buy book1,2 this daoj _ sa ː3,4 have picture good good
He bought this book because of beautiful pictures.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

kɔat tɨɲ siəw1 phɤw2 nih prʊəh3 tae4 miən kʊmnuː lˀɒː lˀɒː
3 buy book1,2 this pr ƱƏ h _ tae 3,4 have picture good good
He bought this book because of beautiful pictures.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

kɔat tɨɲ siəw1 phɤw2 nih prʊəh miən kʊmnuː lˀɒː lˀɒː
3 buy book1,2 this pr ƱƏ h have picture good good
He bought this book because of beautiful pictures.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

kɔat tɨɲ siəw1 phɤw2 nih maok3 piː4 miən kʊmnuː lˀɒː lˀɒː
3 buy book1,2 this maok _ pi ː3,4 have picture good good
He bought this book because of beautiful pictures.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

kɔat ˀɒt tɤw cuəp ciə1 muəj2 mɯt3 pheak4 tẹː daoj5 saː6 miən ˀaːrɒːm ˀɒt lˀɒː tẹː
3 neg be_off meet com 1,2 friend13,4 neg daoj _ sa ː5,6 have mood neg good neg
She didn't go to meet her friend because of her bad mood.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: daoj sa

kɔat ˀɒt tɤw cuəp ciə1 muəj2 mɯt3 pheak4 tẹː daoj5 saː6 ˀaːrɒːm ˀɒt lˀɒː tẹː
3 neg be_off meet com 1,2 friend13,4 neg daoj _ sa ː5,6 mood neg good neg
She didn't go to meet her friend because of her bad mood.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

kɔat ˀɒt tɤw cuəp ciə1 muəj2 mɯt3 pheak4 tẹː prʊəh5 tae6 miən ˀaːrɒːm ˀɒt lˀɒː tẹː
3 neg be_off meet com 1,2 friend13,4 neg pr ƱƏ h _ tae 5,6 have mood neg good neg
She didn't go to meet her friend because of her bad mood.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

kɔat ˀɒt tɤw cuəp ciə1 muəj2 mɯt3 pheak4 tẹː prʊəh miən ˀaːrɒːm ˀɒt lˀɒː tẹː
3 neg be_off meet com 1,2 friend13,4 neg pr ƱƏ h have mood neg good neg
She didn't go to meet her friend because of her bad mood.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

kɔat ˀɒt tɤw cuəp ciə1 muəj2 mɯt3 pheak4 tẹː maok5 piː6 miən ˀaːrɒːm ˀɒt lˀɒː tẹː
3 neg be_off meet com 1,2 friend13,4 neg maok _ pi ː5,6 have mood neg good neg
She didn't go to meet her friend because of her bad mood.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

khɲom kɯt thaː miən phliəŋ khlaŋ nah nɤw pẹːl jʊp daoj1 saː2 miən thlok tɯk craɯn nɤw lɤː dəj
1 sg think that have rain strong very prep time night daoj _ sa ː1,2 have puddle water many be_situated on ground
I think it was raining heavily at night, because there are many puddles on the ground.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: daoj sa

khɲom kɯt thaː miən phliəŋ khlaŋ nah nɤw pẹːl jʊp daoj1 saː2 thlok tɯk craɯn nɤw lɤː dəj
1 sg think that have rain strong very prep time night daoj _ sa ː1,2 puddle water many be_situated on ground
I think it was raining heavily at night, because there are many puddles on the ground.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

khɲom kɯt thaː miən phliəŋ khlaŋ nah nɤw pẹːl jʊp prʊəh miən thlok tɯk craɯn nɤw lɤː dəj
1 sg think that have rain strong very prep time night pr ƱƏ h have puddle water many be_situated on ground
I think it was raining heavily at night, because there are many puddles on the ground.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

daoj1 saː2 miən pɔpuh craɯn khɲom kɯt thaː tɯk nɤw knoŋ chnaŋ nih dam ruəc3 haɯj4
daoj _ sa ː1,2 have bubble a_lot 1 sg think that water in inside cooking_pot this boil iam 3,4
Because of numerous bubbles I think that the water in the cooking pot is boiling.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: daoj sa

daoj1 saː2 pɔpuh craɯn khɲom kɯt thaː tɯk nɤw knoŋ chnaŋ nih dam ruəc3 haɯj4
daoj _ sa ː1,2 bubble a_lot 1 sg think that water in inside cooking_pot this boil iam 3,4
Because of numerous bubbles I think that the water in the cooking pot is boiling.


Status: alternate; causal marker: prueh

prʊəh miən pɔpuh craɯn khɲom kɯt thaː tɯk nɤw knoŋ chnaŋ nih dam ruəc1 haɯj2
pr ƱƏ h have bubble a_lot 1 sg think that water in inside cooking_pot this boil iam 1,2
Because of numerous bubbles I think that the water in the cooking pot is boiling.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

niˀjiəj ˀaoj chap chap tɤw prʊəh khɲom trəw caːk ceːɲ piː tiː nih
talk caus quick quick imp pr ƱƏ h 1 sg be_due go_out leave prep place this
Say it quickly, because I am leaving!
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

nɤw1 ˀae2 naː3 ˀaːw4 rɔŋiə5 rɔbɒh khɲom prʊəh khɲom rɔŋiə
where1,2,3 sweater4,5 poss 1 sg pr ƱƏ h 1 sg be_cold
Where is my sweater, because I am cold?
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

phlae paom thleak coh maok dəj ta:m cbap ruːpviˀtjiə
fruit apple fall get_down approach ground follow law physics
The apple falls on the ground according to the law of physics.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.