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Indonesian (Standard)

Contributed by Netkachev, Ivan. The data were gathered in 2022.

How to cite

Ivan Netkachev. 2022. Nominal causal constructions in Indonesian (Standard). In: Say, Sergey, Natalia Logvinova, Elizaveta Zabelina, and Natalia Zaika (eds.). 2022–. NoCaCoDa: Typological database of nominal causal constructions. St. Petersburg: Institute for Linguistic Studies, RAS. (Data first published on December 1, 2022; last revised on December 1, 2022). (Available online at Accessed on .)


Status: main; causal marker: karena

sapu.tangannya basah karena air mata
handherchief soaked because water eye
The handkerchief got soaked from tears.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

ranting itu patah karena keberatan beban
branch than broken because weight burden
The branch broke from the weight.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

wanita itu batuk karena asap
woman that cough because smoke
The woman is coughing because of the smoke.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

kita tidak bisa melihat pantai karena gelap
we neg can see shore because dark
We can’t see the shore because it is dark.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

laki-laki itu ditangkap karena kesalahan
man that arrested because mistake
The man was arrested by mistake.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

pohonnya jatuh karena angin
the.tree fall because wind
The tree fell due to the wind.


Status: main; causal marker: dari

laki-laki itu meninggal dari sengatan listrik secara langsung
man that die from shock electricity by directly
The man died from electric shock.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

wanita itu terbangun karena suara berisik
woman that wake.up because noise noisy
The woman woke up from the noise.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

laki-laki itu sakit kepala karena bir
man that ill head because beer
The man has a headache from the beer.


Status: main; causal marker: ke

wanita itu tertawa ke anak anjing itu
woman that laugh to child dog that
The woman laughed at the puppy.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

pria itu meninggal karena ikan beracun
man that die because fish poisonous
The man died from a poisonous fish.


Status: main; causal marker: dengan

perempuan itu puas dengan nila-nya
woman that satisfied with grade- poss .3
The girl is satisfied with her grade.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

istri itu marah karena kata-kata suami-nya
wife that angry because words husband- poss .3
The wife was angered by her husband’s words.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

anak laki-laki itu senang karena ide ini
child man that happy because idea this
The boy was thrilled by this idea.


Status: alternate; causal marker: dengan

anak laki-laki itu senang dengan ide ini
child man that happy with idea this
The boy was thrilled by this idea.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

laki-laki itu menjadi lemah karena kelaparan
man that become weak because hunger
The man was weakened by hunger.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

laki-laki itu meninggal karena kelaparan
man that die because starvation
The man died of starvation.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

laki-laki itu menjerit karena kesakitan.
man that scream because pain
The man is screaming from the pain.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

perempuan itu menggigil/gemetaran karena kedinginan
woman that shiver because cold
The woman is shivering from the cold.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

anak itu mulai menangis karena ketakutan.
child that begin cry because fear
The child began to cry out of fear.


Status: main; causal marker: dengan

anak itu tertawa dengan riang/gembira
child that laugh with joy
The child laughed with joy.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

anak itu bersembunyi di gudang karena katakutan
child that hide in barn because fear
The child hid in the barn out of fear.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

laki-laki itu diam karena kesopanan.
man that silent because modesty
The man kept silent out of modesty.


Status: main; causal marker: dalam

wanita itu memegang tangan kakak laki-laki-nya dalam ketakutan
woman that grab hand young.sibling man- poss .3 in fear
The woman grabbed her brother’s hand in fear.


Status: alternate; causal marker: karena

wanita itu memegang tangan kakak laki-laki-nya karena ketakutan
woman that grab hand young.sibling man- poss .3 because fear
The woman grabbed her brother’s hand in fear.


Status: main; causal marker: dari

wanita itu capek dari pekerjaan
woman that tired from work
The woman is tired from work.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

wanita itu tidak bisa tidur karena nyamuk
woman that neg can sleep because mosquito
The woman can’t fall asleep because of the mosquitoes.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

air-nya terlihat jernih karena cahaya1 bulan2
water- poss .3 look bright because lightmoon1,2
The water looks bright because of the lightmoon.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

karena anjing-nya, dia berhasil dalam berburu
because dog- poss .3 he succeed in hunt
Thanks to his dog, he is successful in hunting.


Status: main; causal marker: kepada

istri-nya marah kepada suami-nya
wife- poss .3 angry to husband- poss .3
The wife was angry at her husband.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

wanita itu terlambat untuk bekerja karena suami-nya
woman that late for work because husband- poss .3
The woman was late for work because of her husband.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

orang-orang meninggal karena gempa bumi
people die because earthquake
The people died because of the earthquaqe.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

semua kerusakan terjadi karena manusia
all damage happen because human
All misfortunes happen because of people.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

laki-laki dapat melihat dengan lebih baik sekarang karena operasi
man can see with more good now because operation
The man can see better now thanks to the operation.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

wanita itu hidup karena laki-laki itu
woman that live because man that
The woman is alive thanks to that man.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

laki-laki itu bilang ke istri-nya tentang itu karena kecerobohan-nya
man that tell to wife- poss .3 about that because carelessness- poss .3
The man told his wife about it out of carelessness.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the noun phrase used in the nominal causal construction semantically deviates from the one intended by the stimulus sentence.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

wanita itu terpeleset karena kecerobohan-nya
women that slip because carelessness- poss .3
The woman slipped because of carelessness.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

pilot itu mampu untuk mendaratkan pesawat-nya, karena pengalaman-nya
pilot that able for land plane- poss .3 because experience- poss .3
The pilot was able to land the plane thanks to his experience.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

pilot itu tidak bisa mendaratkan pesawat-nya karena kurang berpengalaman
pilot that neg can land plane- poss .3 because less inexperience
The pilot could not land the plane because he had little experience.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

ketika waktu perang, orang-orang makan rumput karena kelaparan
when time war people eat grass because hunger
In wartime, people ate grass out of hunger.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

perempuan itu masuk ke dalam karena penasaran
woman that enter to inside because curious
The woman went inside because she is curious.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

pria itu membunuh istri-nya karena cemburu
man that kill wife- poss .3 because jealous
The man killed his wife because he is jealous.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

laki-laki itu bilang ke semua orang tentang hal itu karena kebanggaannya
man that say to all human about thing that because pride
The man told everyone about it out of vanity.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

wanita itu memecahkan semua piring karena kemarahan-nya
woman that break all dish because anger- poss .3
The woman broke all the dishes out of anger.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

wanita itu tidur dengan pakaian-nya yang kebal karena kedinginan
woman that sleep with cloth- poss .3 rel thick because cold
The woman went to sleep clothed because of the cold.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

guru itu memuji siswa-nya karena jas-nya
teacher that praise student- poss .3 because suit- poss .3
The teacher commended the student for his suit.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

laki-laki itu memukul tetangga-nya karena kata-kata tetangga-nya
man that beat neighbour- poss .3 because words neighbour- poss .3
The man beat his neighbor because of his words.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

anak-anak itu bertengkar karena bola
children that fight because ball
The children fought over the ball.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

laki-laki itu bertengkar dengan adik laki-laki-nya karena warisan
man argue with younger.sibling man- poss .3 because inheritance
The man argued with his brother over the inheritance.


Status: main; causal marker: karena

wanita itu membeli buku karena gambar-nya
woman that buy book because picture- poss .3
The woman bought the book because of the pictures.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

wanita itu membatalkan rencana-nya dengan teman-nya karena mood-nya hatinya tidak bagus
woman that cancel plan- poss .3 with friend- poss .3 because mood- poss .3 neg good
The woman bought the book because her mood is bad.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

di-lihat dari genangan air-nya tadi malam pasti hujan
pass .3-see from puddle water- poss .3 last night surely rain
Seen from the puddles, it rained last night.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

melihat dari buih-nya air-nya sudah mendidih
act.see from bubble- poss .3 water- poss .3 already boil
Seen from the bubbles, the water is boiling.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

masuk ke rumah! dingin di luar!
enter to house cold in outside
Enter the house, it is cold outside.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expression corresponding to the causing event is not a syntactic dependent of the expression corresponding to the caused event.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

di mana sweater-ku? saya kedinginan
in where sweater- poss .1 i cold
Where is my sweater? Because I am cold.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expression corresponding to the causing event is not a syntactic dependent of the expression corresponding to the caused event.


Status: main; causal marker: secara

secara matematika, angka itu tidak bisa kurang dari satu
by math number that neg can less from one
By math, this number cannot be less than one.