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Contributed by Elena Kordi & Elizaveta Zabelina ( profile). The data were gathered in 2021.

E.K.'s photo

E.Z.'s photo

How to cite

Kordi, Elena & Elizaveta Zabelina. 2022. Nominal causal constructions in French. In: Say, Sergey, Natalia Logvinova, Elizaveta Zabelina, and Natalia Zaika (eds.). 2022–. NoCaCoDa: Typological database of nominal causal constructions. St. Petersburg: Institute for Linguistic Studies, RAS. (Data first published on December 1, 2022; last revised on December 1, 2022). (Available online at Accessed on .)


Status: main; causal marker: a cause de

Le mouchoir est mouill-é à cause des larme-s.
def . m handkerchief( m ) be. prs .3 sg soak- ptcp . prf . m to cause of. def . pl tear( f )- pl
The handkerchief is wet from tears.


Status: main; causal marker: sous

La branche s’ est cass-é-e sous le poids de l' oiseau.
def . f branch( f ) refl .3 be. prs .3 sg break. ptcp . prf - f under def . m weight( m ) of def . m bird( m )
The branch broke under the weight of the bird.


Status: main; causal marker: a cause de

La femme touss-e à cause de la fumée.
def . f woman( f ) cough- prs .3 sg to cause of def . f smoke( f )
The woman is coughing because of the smoke.


Status: main; causal marker: a cause de

On ne voit pas la rive à cause de la brume.
one neg see. prs .3 sg neg 2 def . f shore( f ) to cause of def . f fog( f )
The shore isn’t visible because of the fog.


Status: main; causal marker: par

L’ homme a été arrêt-é par erreur.
def . m man( m ) have. prs .3 sg be. ptcp . prf stop- ptcp . prf . m by mistake( f )
The man was arrested by mistake.


Status: main; causal marker: a cause de

L’ arbre est tomb-é à cause du vent.
def . m tree( m ) be. prs .3 sg fall- ptcp . prf . m to cause of. def . m wind( m )
The tree fell because of the wind.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

L’ homme est mort électrocut-é.
def . m man( m ) be. prs .3 sg die. ptcp . prf . m electrocute- ptcp . prf . m
The man died from electric shock.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: suite a

L’ homme est mort suite à l’ électrocution.
def . m man( m ) be. prs .3 sg die. ptcp . prf . m following to def . f electrocution( f )
The man died after the electric shock.


Status: main; causal marker: a cause de

La femme s’ est réveill-é-e à cause du bruit.
def . f woman( f ) refl .3 be. prs .3 sg wake- ptcp . prf - f to cause of. def . m noise( m )
The woman woke up from the noise.


Status: main; causal marker: a cause de

L’ homme a mal à la tête à cause de la bière.
def . m man( m ) have. prs .3 sg wrong( m ) to def . f head( f ) to cause of def . f beer( f )
The man has a headache from the beer.


Status: main; causal marker: a cause de

La femme a ri à cause du chiot.
def . f woman( f ) have. prs .3 sg laugh. ptcp . prf to cause of. def . m puppy( m )
The woman laughed because of the puppy.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

L’ homme est mort après avoir mangé du poisson venimeux.
def . m man( m ) be. prs .3 sg die. ptcp . prf . m after have. inf eat. ptcp . prf of. def . m fish( m ) poisonous. m
The man died after having eaten some poisonous fish.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: de

La fille est contente de sa note.
def . f girl( f ) be. prs .3 sg satisfied. f of poss .3 sg . f grade( f )
The girl is satisfied with her grade.


Status: main; causal marker: par

La femme a été fâch-é-e par les parole-s de son mari.
def . f woman( f ) have. prs .3 sg be. ptcp . prf anger- ptcp . prf - f by def . pl speech( f )- pl of poss .3 sg . m husband( m )
The wife was angered by her husband’s words.


Status: main; causal marker: de

Le garçon est ravi de cette proposition.
def . m boy( m ) be. prs .3 sg thrilled. m of this. f suggestion( f )
The boy is thrilled by this suggestion.


Status: main; causal marker: par

L’ homme est affaibli par la faim.
def . m man( m ) be. prs .3 sg weaken. ptcp . prf . m by def . f hunger( f )
The man is weakened by hunger.


Status: main; causal marker: de

L’ homme est mort de faim.
def . m man( m ) be. prs .3 sg die. ptcp . prf . m of hunger( f )
The man died of starvation.


Status: main; causal marker: de

L’ homme cri-e de douleur.
def . m man( m ) scream- prs .3 sg of pain( f )
The man screams from the pain.


Status: main; causal marker: de

La femme trembl-e de froid.
def . f woman( f ) shiver- prs .3 sg of cold( m )
The woman shivers from the cold.


Status: main; causal marker: de

L’ enfant pleur-e de peur.
def . m child( m ) cry- prs .3 sg of fear( f )
The child cries from fear.


Status: main; causal marker: de

L’ enfant rit de joie.
def . m child( m ) laugh. prs .3 sg of joy( f )
The child laughs out of joy.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

L’ enfant s’ est cach-é dans une grange car il avait peur.
def . m child( m ) refl .3 sg be. prs .3 sg hide- ptcp . prf . m in indef . f barn( f ) as 3 sg . m have. impf .3 sg fear( f )
The child hid in the barn as he was afraid.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: par

L’ enfant s’ est cach-é dans une grange par peur de quelque chose.
def . m child( m ) refl .3 sg be. prs .3 sg hide- ptcp . prf . m in indef . f barn( f ) by fear( f ) of some thing( f )
The child hid in the barn, afraid of something.


Status: main; causal marker: par

L’ homme n’ a rien dit par modestie.
def . m man( m ) neg have. prs .3 sg nothing say. ptcp . prf by modesty( f )
The man didn't say a word out of modesty.


Status: main; causal marker: par

La femme par peur a pris son frère par le bras.
def . f woman( f ) by fear( f ) have. prs .3 sg take. ptcp . prf poss .3 sg . m brother( m ) by def . m arm( m )
The woman held onto her elder brother’s arm in fear.


Status: main; causal marker: par

La femme est fatigu-é-e par un long travail.
def . f woman( f ) be. prs .3 sg tire- ptcp . prf - f by indef . m long. m work( m )
The woman got tired from long work.


Status: main; causal marker: a cause de

La femme ne peut pas s’ endorm-ir à cause des moustique-s.
def . f woman( f ) neg can. prs .3 sg neg 2 refl .3 fall.asleep- inf to cause of. def . pl mosquitoe( m )- pl
The woman can’t fall asleep because of the mosquitoes.


Status: main; causal marker: a cause de

L’ eau sembl-e claire à cause de la Lune.
def . f water( f ) seem- prs .3 sg bright. f to cause of def . f moon( f )
The water looks bright because of the moon.


Status: main; causal marker: grace a

L’ homme a réussi à la chasse grâce à son chien.
def . m man( m ) have. prs .3 sg achieve. ptcp . prf to def . f hunt( f ) thanks to poss .3 sg . m dog( m )
The man had a successful hunt thanks to his dog.


Status: main; causal marker: contre

La femme s’ est fâch-é-e contre son mari.
def . f woman( f ) refl .3 be. prs .3 sg anger- ptcp . prf - f against poss .3 sg . m husband( m )
The wife got angry at her husband.


Status: main; causal marker: a cause de

La femme a été en retard pour son travail à cause de son mari.
def . f woman( f ) have. prs .3 sg be. ptcp . prf at delay for poss .3 sg . m work( m ) to cause of poss .3 sg . m husband( m )
The woman was late for work because of her husband.


Status: main; causal marker: a cause de

Des homme-s sont mort-s à cause d’ un tremblement de terre.
indef . pl man( m )- pl be. prs .3 pl die. ptcp . prf - pl to cause of indef . m tremor( m ) of earth( f )
People died because of the earthquake.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

L’ homme est coupable de tous les maux.
def . m man( m ) be. prs .3 sg guilty. m of all. pl def . pl wrong( m ). pl
Man is guilty of all the miseries.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: main; causal marker: grace a

La vue de cet homme s’ est amélior-é-e grâce à l’ opération.
def . f vision( f ) of this. m man( m ) refl .3 sg be. prs .3 sg improve- ptcp . prf - f thanks to def . f surgery( f )
The eyesight of this man has improved thanks to the surgery.


Status: main; causal marker: grace a

La femme est en vie grâce à cet homme.
def . f woman( f ) be. prs .3 sg at life( f ) thanks to this. m man( m )
The woman is alive thanks to that man.


Status: main; causal marker: par

L’ homme l’ a dit à sa femme par bêtise.
def . m man( m ) 3 sg . m . acc have. prs .3 sg say. ptcp . prf to poss .3 sg . f woman( f ) by foolishness( f )
The man told his wife about it out of stupidity.


Status: main; causal marker: par

La femme a gliss-é par inattention.
def . f woman( f ) have. prs .3 sg slip. ptcp . prf by inattention( f )
The woman slipped because of carelessness.


Status: main; causal marker: grace a

Le pilote a su faire atterrir l’ avion grâce à sa grande expérience.
def . m pilot( m ) have. prs .3 sg ptcp . prf do. inf land. inf def . m plane( m ) thanks to poss .3 sg . f big. f experience( f )
The pilot was able to land the plane thanks to his solid experience.


Status: main; causal marker: par

Le pilote n’ a pas su faire atterrir l’ avion par manque d’ expérience.
def . m pilot( m ) neg have. prs .3 sg neg 2 ptcp . prf do. inf land. inf def . m plane( m ) by lack( f ) of experience( f )
The pilot couldn’t land the plane due to the lack of experience.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

Pendant la guerre, les gens mang-eaient l’ herbe parce qu’ ils av-aient faim.
during def . f war( f ) def . pl person- pl eat- impf .3 pl def . f grass( f ) because comp 3 pl have- impf .3 pl hunger( f )
During the war, people ate grass because they were hungry.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: par

La femme est rentr-é-e à l’ intérieur par curiosité.
def . f woman( f ) be. prs .3 sg return- ptcp . prf - f to def . m interior( m ) by curiosity( f )
The woman went inside out of curiosity.


Status: main; causal marker: par

L’ homme a tu-é sa femme par jalousie.
def . m man( m ) have. prs .3 sg kill- ptcp . prf poss .3 sg . f woman( f ) by jealousy( f )
The man killed his wife out of jealousy.


Status: main; causal marker: par

L’ homme a tout racont-é par vanité.
def . m man( m ) have. prs .3 sg everything tell- ptcp . prf by vanity( f )
The man told everything out of vanity.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

La femme a cass-é toute la vaisselle car elle était fâch-é-e.
def . f woman( f ) have. prs .3 sg break- ptcp . prf all. f def . f kitchenware( f ) as 3 sg . f be. impf .3 sg anger- ptcp . prf - f
The woman broke all the dishes out of anger.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: a cause de

La femme s’ est couch-é-e habill-é-e à cause du froid.
def . f woman( f ) refl .3 be. prs .3 sg ptcp . prf - f dress- ptcp . prf - f to cause of. def . m cold( m )
The woman went to sleep dressed because of the cold.


Status: main; causal marker: pour

Le professeur a compliment-é l’ enfant pour son costume.
def . m professor( m ) have. prs .3 sg compliment- ptcp . prf def . m child( m ) for poss .3 sg . m suit( m )
The professor complimented the child on his uniform.


Status: main; causal marker: pour

L’ homme a battu son voisin pour ses parole-s.
def . m man( m ) have. prs .3 sg beat. ptcp . prf poss .3 sg . m neighbour( m ) for poss .3 sg . pl speech( f )- pl
The man beat his neighbor because of his words.


Status: main; causal marker: pour

Les enfant-s se sont battu-s pour un ballon.
def . pl child( m )- pl refl .3 be. prs .3 pl beat. ptcp . prf - pl for indef . m ball( m )
The children fought over a ball.


Status: main; causal marker: a cause de

L’homme s’ est disput-é avec son frère à cause de l’ héritage.
def . m man( m ) refl .3 be. prs .3 sg argue- ptcp . prf with poss .3 sg . m brother( m ) to cause of def . m inheritance( m )
The man argued with his brother over the inheritance.


Status: main; causal marker: pour

La femme a achet-é ce livre pour les dessin-s.
def . f woman( f ) have. prs .3 sg buy- ptcp . prf this. m book( m ) for def . pl drawing( m )- pl
The woman bought the book for the drawings.


Status: main; causal marker: a cause de

La femme a décid-é de ne pas voir son amie à cause de sa mauvaise humeur.
def . f woman( f ) have. prs .3 sg decide- ptcp . prf of neg neg 2 see. inf poss .3 sg . f friend( f ) to cause of poss .3 sg . f bad. f mood( f )
The woman decided not to meet her friend because of her bad mood.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

Il a plu cette nuit car je vois les flaque-s d’ eau.
3 sg . m have. prs .3 sg rain. ptcp . prf this. f night( f ) as 1 sg see. prs .1 sg def . pl puddle( f )- pl of water( f )
It rained last night as I can see puddles.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

L’ eau bout déjà . Car je vois les bulle-s.
def . f water( f ) boil. prs .3 sg already. as 1 sg see. prs .1 sg def . pl bubble( f )- pl
The water is already boiling as I can see bubbles.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

Rentr-e à l’ intérieur, car il fait froid.
return- imp .2 sg to def . m interior( m ) as 3 sg . m do. prs .3 sg cold( m )
Come back inside, as it is cold.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

est mon pull ? Il fait froid.
where be. prs .3 sg poss .1 sg . m sweater( m )? 3 sg . m do. prs .3 sg cold( m )
Where is my sweater? It is cold.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expression corresponding to the causing event is not a syntactic dependent of the expression corresponding to the caused event.


Status: main; causal marker: a cause de

Ce nombre ne peut pas être inférieur à 1 à cause des règle-s de mathématique.
this. m number( m ) neg can. prs .3 sg neg 2 be. inf inferior to 1 to cause of. def . pl law( f )- pl of mathematics( f )
This number cannot be less than one per mathematical laws.