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Лаборатория типологического изучения языков    Институт лингвистических исследований РАН


Contributed by Peter Arkadiev, Irina Bagirokova. The data were gathered in 2023.

How to cite

Peter Arkadiev, Irina Bagirokova. 2022. Nominal causal constructions in Adyghe. In: Say, Sergey, Natalia Logvinova, Elizaveta Zabelina, and Natalia Zaika (eds.). 2022–. NoCaCoDa: Typological database of nominal causal constructions. St. Petersburg: Institute for Linguistic Studies, RAS. (Data first published on September 18, 2024; last revised on September 18, 2024). (Available online at Accessed on .)


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

platəkʷə-ẑəje-r nepsə-m ə-ʁe-wəc̣ənə-ʁ
handkerchief- dim - abs tear- obl 3 sg . erg - caus -dampen- pst
Tears wet the handkerchief.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: alternate; causal marker: paje

nepsə-m paje platəkʷə-ẑəje-r c̣əne χʷə-ʁe
tear- obl because_of handkerchief- dim - abs wet become- pst
The handkerchief is wet from tears.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

qʷətame-r jə-həλa.ʁe qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew ze-pə-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼə-ʁ
branch- abs poss -weight csl - loc -go_out- adv rec . io - loc -break- elat - pst
The branch broke from the weight.


Status: alternate; causal marker: paje

qʷətame-r jə-həλa.ʁe paje ze-pə-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼə-ʁ
branch- abs poss -weight because_of rec . io - loc -break- elat - pst
The branch broke from the weight.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

qʷətame-r jə-həλa.ʁe qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe ze-pə-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼə-ʁ
branch- abs poss -weight csl - loc -go_out- ins rec . io - loc -break- elat - pst
The branch broke from the weight.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

qʷətame-r zere-həλe-m paje ze-pə-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼə-ʁ
branch- abs rel . fct -heavy- obl because_of rec . io - loc -break- elat - pst
The branch broke from the weight.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

qʷətame-r həλe-m paje ze-pə-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼə-ʁ
branch- abs heavy- obl because_of rec . io - loc -break- elat - pst
The branch [was] so heavy that it broke
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

qʷətame-r həλe-m jə-ṣ̂ʷaʁe-č̣ʼe ze-pə-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼə-ʁ
branch- abs heavy- obl poss -benefit- ins rec . io - loc -break- elat - pst
The branch [was] so heavy that it broke
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

qʷətame-r zere-həλe-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe ze-pə-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼə-ʁ
branch- abs rel . fct -heavy poss -evil- ins rec . io - loc -break- elat - pst
The branch broke because it was heavy.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

qʷətame-r zere-həλe-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe ze-pə-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼə-ʁ
branch- abs rel . fct -heavy poss -harm- ins rec . io - loc -break- elat - pst
The branch broke because it was heavy.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

bzəλfəʁe-r ʔʷəʁʷe-m j-e-ʁa-pske
smoke- obl woman- abs 3 sg . erg - dyn - caus -cough
The smoke makes the woman cough.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

bzəλfəʁe-r zə-č̣ʼa-pske-re-r ʔʷəʁʷe-r arə
woman- abs rel . io - rsn -cough- dyn - abs smoke- abs cop
What makes a woman cough is smoke.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expression corresponding to the causing event is not a syntactic dependent of the expression corresponding to the caused event.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

ʔʷəʁʷe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r ma-pske
smoke- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins woman- abs dyn -cough
A woman coughs from smoke.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

ʔʷəʁʷe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew bzəλfəʁe-r ma-pske
smoke- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv woman- abs dyn -cough
A woman coughs from smoke.


Status: main; causal marker: paje

ʔʷəʁʷe-m paje bzəλfəʁe-r ma-pske
smoke- obl because_of woman- abs dyn -cough
A woman coughs from smoke.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jalazece

ʔʷəʁʷe-m jə-lažʼe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r ma-pske
smoke- obl poss -guilt- ins woman- abs dyn -cough
A woman coughs from smoke.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

ʔʷəʁʷe-m feṣ̂(-č̣ʼe) bzəλfəʁe-r ma-pske
smoke- obl for(- ins ) woman- abs dyn -cough
A woman coughs from smoke.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

ʔʷəʁʷe-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r ma-pske.
smoke- obl poss -evil- ins woman- abs dyn -cough
A woman coughs from smoke.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

ʔʷəʁʷe-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r ma-pske.
smoke- obl poss -harm- ins woman- abs dyn -cough
A woman coughs from smoke.


Status: main; causal marker: paje

ṣ̂ʷənč̣ʼə-m paje nepqə-r t-λeʁʷə-r-ep
dark- obl because_of shore- abs 1 pl . erg -see- dyn - neg
We can't see the shore because of the darkness.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

ṣ̂ʷənč̣ʼə-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe nepqə-r t-λeʁʷə-r-ep
dark- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins shore- abs 1 pl . erg -see- dyn - neg
We can't see the shore because of the darkness.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

ṣ̂ʷənč̣ʼə-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew nepqə-r t-λeʁʷə-r-ep
dark- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv shore- abs 1 pl . erg -see- dyn - neg
We can't see the shore because of the darkness.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jalazece

ṣ̂ʷənč̣ʼə-m jə-lažʼe-č̣ʼe nepqə-r t-λeʁʷə-r-ep
dark- obl poss -guilt- ins shore- abs 1 pl . erg -see- dyn - neg
We can't see the shore because of the darkness.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jaswakece

ṣ̂ʷənč̣ʼə-m jə-ṣ̂ʷaʁe-č̣ʼe nepqə-r t-λeʁʷə-r-ep
dark- obl poss -benefit- ins shore- abs 1 pl . erg -see- dyn - neg
It's so dark that we can't see the shore.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

zere-ṣ̂ʷənč̣ʼə-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe nepqə-r t-λeʁʷə-r-ep
rel . fct -dark poss -evil- ins shore- abs 1 pl . erg -see- dyn - neg
We can't see the shore because of the darkness.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

zere-ṣ̂ʷənč̣ʼə-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe nepqə-r t-λeʁʷə-r-ep
rel . fct -dark poss -harm- ins shore- abs 1 pl . erg -see- dyn - neg
We can't see the shore because of the darkness.


Status: main; causal marker: INS

xewəqʷenəʁe-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-r a-wəbətə-ʁ
error- ins man- abs 3 pl . erg -grab- pst
The man was arrested by mistake.


Status: alternate; causal marker: paje

xewəqʷenəʁe-m paje λ̣ə-r a-wəbətə-ʁ
error- obl because_of man- abs 3 pl . erg -grab- pst
The man was arrested by mistake.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

xewəqʷenəʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-r a-wəbətə-ʁ
error- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins man- abs 3 pl . erg -grab- pst
The man was arrested by mistake.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

xewəqʷenəʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew λ̣ə-r a-wəbətə-ʁ
error- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv man- abs 3 pl . erg -grab- pst
The man was arrested by mistake.


Status: alternate; causal marker: apq qjacew

xewəqʷenəʁe-m ə-pq q-jə-č̣ʼ-ew λ̣ə-r a-wəbətə-ʁ
error- obl 3 sg . pr -flesh csl - loc -go_out- adv man- abs 3 pl . erg -grab- pst
The man was arrested by mistake.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

žʼəbʁe-r arə čəgə-r jə-zə-wətə-ʁe-r
wind- abs cop tree- abs loc - rel . erg -rub- pst - abs
The wind is what brought down the tree.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expression corresponding to the causing event is not a syntactic dependent of the expression corresponding to the caused event.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

žʼəbʁe-m čəgə-r r-jə-wətə-ʁ
wind- obl tree- abs loc -3 sg . erg -rub- pst
The wind knocked down the tree.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: alternate; causal marker: paje

žʼəbʁe-m paje čəgə-r wəḳʷerəjə-ʁ
wind- obl because_of tree- abs overturn- pst
The tree fell from the wind.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

žʼəbʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe čəgə-r wəḳʷerəjə-ʁ
wind- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins tree- abs overturn- pst
The tree fell from the wind.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

žʼəbʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew čəgə-r wəḳʷerəjə-ʁ
wind- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv tree- abs overturn- pst
The tree fell from the wind.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jalazece

žʼəbʁe-m jə-lažʼe-č̣ʼe čəgə-r wəḳʷerəjə-ʁ
wind- obl poss -guilt- ins tree- abs overturn- pst
The tree fell from the wind.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

žʼəbʁe-m feṣ̂(-č̣ʼe) čəgə-r wəḳʷerəjə-ʁ
wind- obl for- ins tree- abs overturn- pst
The tree fell from the wind.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

žʼəbʁe-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe čəgə-r wəḳʷerejə-ʁ
wind- obl poss -evil- ins tree- abs overturn- pst
The tree fell from the wind.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

žʼəbʁe-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe čəgə-r wəḳʷerejə-ʁ
wind- obl poss -harm- ins tree- abs overturn- pst
The tree fell from the wind.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

λ̣ə-r twekə-m ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁ
man- abs flow- obl 3 sg . erg -kill- pst
The man was killed by electric current.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: alternate; causal marker: INS

λ̣ə-r twekə-m-č̣ʼe ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁ
man- abs flow- obl - ins 3 sg . erg -kill- pst
The man was electrocuted.


Status: alternate; causal marker: paje

twekə-m paje λ̣ə-r λ̣a-ʁe
flow- obl because_of man- abs die- pst
The man died due to electrocution.


Status: main; causal marker: qaxecace

twekə-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-r λ̣a-ʁe
flow- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins man- abs die- pst
The man died due to electrocution.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

twekə-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew λ̣ə-r λ̣a-ʁe
flow- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv man- abs die- pst
The man died due to electrocution.


Status: alternate; causal marker: apq qjacew

twekə-m ə-pq q-jə-č̣ʼ-ew λ̣ə-r λ̣a-ʁe
flow- obl 3 sg . pr -flesh csl - loc -go_out- adv man- abs die- pst
The man died due to electrocution.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

twekə-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-r λ̣a-ʁe
flow- obl poss -evil- ins man- abs die- pst
The man died from electric shock.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

twekə-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-r λ̣a-ʁe
flow- obl poss -harm- ins man- abs die- pst
The man died from electric shock.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

maqe-m bzəλfəʁe-r q-ə-ʁe-wəšʼə-ʁ
sound- obl woman- abs csl -3 sg . erg - caus -wake_up- pst
The noise woke the woman.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: alternate; causal marker: paje

maqe-m paje bzəλfəʁe-r qe-wəšʼə-ʁ
sound- obl because_of woman- abs csl -wake_up- pst
The woman woke up from the noise.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

maqe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r qe-wəšʼə-ʁ
sound- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins woman- abs csl -wake_up- pst
The woman woke up from the noise.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

maqe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew bzəλfəʁe-r qe-wəšʼə-ʁ
sound- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv woman- abs csl -wake_up- pst
The woman woke up from the noise.


Status: main; causal marker: fesce

maqe-m feṣ̂ə-(č̣ʼe) bzəλfəʁe-r qe-wəšʼə-ʁ
sound- obl for- ins woman- abs csl -wake_up- pst
The woman woke up from the noise.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

maqe-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r qe-wəšʼə-ʁ
sound- obl poss -evil- ins woman- abs csl -wake_up- pst
The woman woke up from the noise.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

maqe-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r qe-wəšʼə-ʁ
sound- obl poss -harm- ins woman- abs csl -wake_up- pst
The woman woke up from the noise.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

pjəve-m λ̣ə-m ə-ŝhe ə-ʁe-wəzə-ʁ
beer- obl man- obl 3 sg . pr -head 3 sg . erg - caus -get_sick- pst
The beer made the man's head hurt.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: alternate; causal marker: paje

pjəve-m paje λ̣ə-m ə-ŝhe me-wəzə
beer- obl because_of man- obl 3 sg . pr -head dyn -get_sick
A man has a headache from beer.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

pjəve-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m ə-ŝhe me-wəzə
beer- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins man- obl 3 sg . pr -head dyn -get_sick
A man has a headache from beer.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

pjəve-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew λ̣ə-m ə-ŝhe me-wəzə
beer- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv man- obl 3 sg . pr -head dyn -get_sick
A man has a headache from beer.


Status: main; causal marker: fesce

pjəve-m feṣ̂ə-(č̣ʼe) λ̣ə-m ə-ŝhe me-wəzə
beer- obl for- ins man- obl 3 sg . pr -head dyn -get_sick
A man has a headache from beer.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

λ̣ə-m pjəve-m ŝhe-wəz qə-x-jə-xə-ʁ
man- obl beer- obl head csl - loc -3 sg . erg -take- pst
The man took/took out a headache from the beer.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is not explicitly expressed.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

pjəve-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m ə-ŝhe me-wəzə
beer- obl poss -evil- ins man- obl 3 sg . pr -head dyn -get_sick
A man has a headache from beer.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

pjəve-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m ə-ŝhe me-wəzə
beer- obl poss -harm- ins man- obl 3 sg . pr -head dyn -get_sick
A man has a headache from beer.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

he-c̣əḳʷə-m bzəλfəʁe-r ə-ʁe-šʼxə-ʁ
dog-small- obl woman- abs 3 sg . erg - caus -laugh- pst
The puppy made the woman laugh.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: main; causal marker: paje

he-c̣əḳʷə-m paje bzəλfəʁe-r šʼxə-ʁe
dog-small- obl because_of woman- abs laugh- pst
The woman laughed because of the puppy.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

šʼənawət–pceẑəje-m λ̣ə-r ə-ʁe-λ̣a-ʁ
poison-fish- obl man- abs 3 sg . erg - caus -die- pst
Poisonous fish caused the man's death.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

šʼənawət–pceẑəje-m feṣ̂ə-(č̣ʼe) λ̣ə-r λ̣a-ʁe
poison-fish- obl for- ins man- abs die- pst
The man died from poisonous fish.


Status: alternate; causal marker: paje

šʼənawət–pceẑəje-m paje λ̣ə-r λ̣a-ʁe
poison-fish- obl because_of man- abs die- pst
The man died from poisonous fish.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

šʼənawət–pceẑəje-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-r λ̣a-ʁe
poison-fish- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins man- abs die- pst
The man died from poisonous fish.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

šʼənawət–pceẑəje-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew λ̣ə-r λ̣a-ʁe
poison-fish- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv man- abs die- pst
The man died from poisonous fish.


Status: main; causal marker: apq qjacew

šʼənawət–pceẑəje-m ə-pq q-jə-č̣ʼ-ew λ̣ə-r λ̣a-ʁe
poison-fish- obl 3 sg . pr -flesh csl - loc -go_out- adv man- abs die- pst
The man died from poisonous fish.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jalazece

šʼənawət–pceẑəje-m jə-lažʼe-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-r λ̣a-ʁe
poison-fish- obl poss -guilt- ins man- abs die- pst
The man died from poisonous fish.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

šʼənawət–pceẑəje-m feṣ̂ə(-č̣ʼe) λ̣ə-r λ̣a-ʁe.
poison-fish- obl for- ins man- abs die- pst
The man died from poisonous fish.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

šʼənawət–pceẑəje-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-r λ̣a-ʁe
poison-fish- obl poss -evil- ins man- abs die- pst
The man died from poisonous fish.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

šʼənawət–pceẑəje-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-r λ̣a-ʁe
poison-fish- obl poss -harm- ins man- abs die- pst
The man died from poisonous fish.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

pŝaŝe-r jə-wecenke ə-ʁe-gʷəṣ̂ʷa-ʁ
girl- abs poss -mark 3 sg . erg - caus -rejoice- pst
Her mark pleased the girl.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: alternate; causal marker: paje

pŝaŝe-r wecenk-ew qə-hə-ʁe-m paje me-gʷəṣ̂ʷe.
girl- abs mark- adv csl -carry- pst - obl because_of dyn -rejoice
The girl rejoices at the mark she received.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

pŝaŝe-r wecenk-ew qə-hə-ʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe me-gʷəṣ̂ʷe.
girl- abs mark- adv csl -carry- pst - obl csl - loc -go_out- ins dyn -rejoice
The girl rejoices at the mark she received.


Status: main; causal marker: DAT

pŝaŝe-r jə-wecenke šʼ-j-e-gʷəṣ̂ʷə-č̣ʼə
girl- abs poss -mark loc - dat - dyn -rejoice- elat
The girl is happy with her mark.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

ŝʷəzə-r jə-λ̣ə ə-ʔʷa-ʁe-m ə-ʁe-gʷəbžə-ʁ
woman- abs poss -husband 3 sg . erg -say- pst - obl 3 sg . erg - caus -be_angry- pst
The wife was angry at what her husband said.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

ŝʷəzə-r jə-λ̣ə ə-ʔʷaʁe-m feṣ̂ə-(č̣ʼe) gʷəbžə-ʁe
woman- abs poss -husband 3 sg . erg -say- pst - obl for- ins be_angry- pst
The wife was angry at her husband's words.


Status: main; causal marker: paje

ŝʷəzə-r jə-λ̣ə ə-ʔʷaʁe-m paje gʷəbžə-ʁe
woman- abs poss -husband 3 sg . erg -say- pst - obl because_of be_angry- pst
The wife was angry at her husband's words.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

ŝʷəzə-r jə-λ̣ə ə-ʔʷaʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe gʷəbžə-ʁe
woman- abs poss -husband 3 sg . erg -say- pst - obl csl - loc -go_out- ins be_angry- pst
The wife was angry at her husband's words.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

ŝʷəzə-r jə-λ̣ə ə-ʔʷaʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew gʷəbžə-ʁe
woman- abs poss -husband 3 sg . erg -say- pst - obl csl - loc -go_out- adv be_angry- pst
The wife was angry at her husband's words.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

jate q-ə-ʔʷa-ʁe-m č̣ʼale-r ə-ʁe-gʷəṣ̂ʷa-ʁ
poss +father csl -3 sg . erg -say- pst - obl boy- abs 3 sg . erg - caus -rejoice- pst
What his father said made the boy happy.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

jate q-ə-ʔʷa-ʁe-m feṣ̂ə-(č̣ʼe) č̣ʼale-r gʷəṣ̂ʷa-ʁe
poss +father csl -3 sg . erg -say- pst - obl for- ins boy- abs rejoice- pst
The boy is delighted with this idea.


Status: main; causal marker: paje

jate q-ə-ʔʷa-ʁe-m paje č̣ʼale-r gʷəṣ̂ʷa-ʁe
poss +father csl -3 sg . erg -say- pst - obl because_of boy- abs rejoice- pst
The boy is delighted with this idea.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

jate q-ə-ʔʷa-ʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe č̣ʼale-r gʷəṣ̂ʷa-ʁe
poss +father csl -3 sg . erg -say- pst - obl csl - loc -go_out- ins boy- abs rejoice- pst
The boy is delighted with this idea.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

jate q-ə-ʔʷa-ʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew č̣ʼale-r gʷəṣ̂ʷa-ʁe
poss +father csl -3 sg . erg -say- pst - obl csl - loc -go_out- adv boy- abs rejoice- pst
The boy is delighted with this idea.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

λ̣ə-r ʁable-m ḳʷeč̣a-ǯʼe ə-ṣ̂ə-ʁ
man- abs famine- obl force- car 3 sg . erg -do- pst
Hunger made the man weak.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: main; causal marker: paje

λ̣ə-r ʁable-m paje ḳʷeč̣aǯʼe χʷə-ʁe
man- abs famine- obl because_of weak become- pst
The man was weak from hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

λ̣ə-r ʁable-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe ḳʷeč̣aǯʼe χʷə-ʁe
man- abs famine- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins weak become- pst
The man was weak from hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

λ̣ə-r ʁable-m ?feṣ̂-(č̣ʼe) ḳʷeč̣aǯʼe χʷə-ʁe
man- abs famine- obl for- ins weak become- pst
The man was weak from hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: apq qjacew

λ̣ə-r ʁable-m ə-pq q-jə-č̣ʼ-ew ḳʷeč̣aǯʼe χʷə-ʁe
man- abs famine- obl 3 sg . pr -flesh csl - loc -go_out- adv weak become- pst
The man was weak from hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

ʁable-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-r ḳʷeč̣aǯʼe χʷə-ʁe
famine- obl poss -evil- ins man- abs weak become- pst
The man was weak from hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

ʁable-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-r ḳʷeč̣aǯʼe χʷə-ʁe
famine- obl poss -harm- ins man- abs weak become- pst
The man was weak from hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

λ̣ə-r ʁable-m ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁ
man- abs famine- obl 3 sg . erg -kill- pst
The man was killed by hunger.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

λ̣ə-r ʁable-m ə-ʁe-λ̣a-ʁ
man- abs famine- obl 3 sg . erg - caus -die- pst
The man died of hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: paje

λ̣ə-r ʁable-m paje λ̣a-ʁe
man- abs famine- obl because_of die- pst
The man died of hunger.


Status: main; causal marker: qaxecace

λ̣ə-r ʁable-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe λ̣a-ʁe
man- abs famine- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins die- pst
The man died of hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

λ̣ə-r ʁable-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew λ̣a-ʁe
man- abs famine- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv die- pst
The man died of hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

λ̣ə-r ʁable-m feṣ̂-( č̣ʼe) λ̣a-ʁe
man- abs famine- obl for(- ins ) die- pst
The man died of hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

λ̣ə-r ʁable-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe λ̣a-ʁe
man- abs famine- obl poss -evil- ins die- pst
The man died of hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

λ̣ə-r ʁable-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe λ̣a-ʁe
man- abs famine- obl poss -harm- ins die- pst
The man died of hunger.


Status: main; causal marker: paje

λ̣ə-r wəzə-m paje me-kʷəwe
man- abs pain- obl because_of dyn -scream
The man screams in pain.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

λ̣ə-r wəzə-m feṣ̂-(č̣ʼe) me-kʷəwe
man- abs pain- obl for- ins dyn -scream
The man screams in pain.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

λ̣ə-r wəzə-m q-j-e-ʁe-kʷəwe
man- abs pain- obl csl -3 sg . erg - dyn - caus -scream
The pain makes the man scream.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

λ̣ə-r wəzə-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe me-kʷəwe
man- abs pain- obl poss -evil- ins dyn -scream
The man screams in pain.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

λ̣ə-r wəzə-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe me-kʷəwe
man- abs pain- obl poss -harm- ins dyn -scream
The man screams in pain.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

bzəλfəʁe-r čəʔe-m j-e-ʁe-č̣ʼezəzə
woman- abs cold- obl 3 sg . erg - dyn - caus -tremble
The cold makes a woman shiver.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: main; causal marker: paje

bzəλfəʁe-r čəʔe-m paje me-č̣ʼezəzə
woman- abs cold- obl because_of dyn -tremble
The woman is shaking from the cold.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

bzəλfəʁe-r čəʔe-m feṣ̂-(č̣ʼe) me-č̣ʼezəzə
woman- abs cold- obl for- ins dyn -tremble
The woman is shaking from the cold.


Status: alternate; causal marker: paje

čəʔe-m paje bzəλfəʁe-r me-č̣ʼezəzə
cold- obl because_of woman- abs dyn -tremble
The woman is shaking from the cold.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jaswakece

čəʔe-m jə-ṣ̂ʷaʁe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r me-č̣ʼezəzə
cold- obl poss -benefit- ins woman- abs dyn -tremble
The woman is shaking from the cold.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

čəʔe-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r me-č̣ʼezəzə
cold- obl poss -evil- ins woman- abs dyn -tremble
The woman is shaking from the cold.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

čəʔe-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r me-č̣ʼezəzə
cold- obl poss -harm- ins woman- abs dyn -tremble
The woman is shaking from the cold.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

sabəjə-r šʼəna-ʁ-ew qe-ʁə-ʁ
child- abs be_afraid- pst - adv csl -cry- pst
The child, afraid, began to cry.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

sabəjə-r šʼəna-ʁe-tjə qe-ʁə-ʁ
child- abs be_afraid- pst - cs csl -cry- pst
The child cried with fear.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

sabəjə-r šʼənaʁʷe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew qe-ʁə-ʁ
child- abs fear- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv csl -cry- pst
The child cried with fear.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

sabəjə-r šʼənaʁʷe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe qe-ʁə-ʁ
child- abs fear- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins csl -cry- pst
The child cried with fear.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

sabəjə-r šʼənaʁʷe-m feṣ̂(-č̣ʼe) qe-ʁə-ʁ
child- abs fear- obl for- ins csl -cry- pst
The child cried with fear.


Status: alternate; causal marker: apq qjacew

sabəjə-r šʼənaʁʷe-m ə-pq q-jə-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe qe-ʁə-ʁ
child- abs fear- obl 3 sg . pr -body csl - loc -go_out- ins csl -cry- pst
The child cried with fear.


Status: main; causal marker: paje

sabəjə-r zere-šʼta-ʁe-m paje qe-ʁə-ʁ
child- abs rel . fct -be_scared- pst - obl because_of csl -cry- pst
The child cried with fear.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

sabəjə-r zere-šʼta-ʁe-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe qe-ʁə-ʁ
child- abs rel . fct -be_scared- pst - obl poss -evil- ins csl -cry- pst
The child cried with fear.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

sabəjə-r zere-šʼta-ʁe-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe qe-ʁə-ʁ
child- abs rel . fct -be_scared- pst - obl poss -harm- ins csl -cry- pst
The child cried with fear.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

sabəjə-r gʷəṣ̂ʷe-rjə qe-šʼxə-ʁ
child- abs rejoice- add csl -laugh- pst
The child was happy and laughed.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

sabəjə-r gʷəṣ̂ʷaʁʷe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew qe-šʼxə-ʁ
child- abs joy- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv csl -laugh- pst
The child laughed with joy.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

sabəjə-r gʷəṣ̂ʷaʁʷe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe qe-šʼxə-ʁ
child- abs joy- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins csl -laugh- pst
The child laughed with joy.


Status: main; causal marker: fesce

sabəjə-r gʷəṣ̂ʷaʁʷe-m feṣ̂-(č̣ʼe) qe-šʼxə-ʁ
child- abs joy- obl for- ins csl -laugh- pst
The child laughed with joy.


Status: alternate; causal marker: apq qjacew

sabəjə-r gʷəṣ̂ʷaʁʷe-m ə-pq q-jə-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe qe-šʼxə-ʁ
child- abs joy- obl 3 sg . pr -body csl - loc -go_out- ins csl -laugh- pst
The child laughed with joy.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

sabəjə-r me-šʼəne-tjə qaqərə-m zə-šʼ-jə-ʁe.bəλə-ʁ
child- abs dyn -be_afraid- cs palace- obl rfl . abs - loc -3 sg . erg -hide- pst
The child got scared and therefore hid in the barn.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expression corresponding to the causing event is not a syntactic dependent of the expression corresponding to the caused event.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

sabəjə-r zere-šʼta-ʁe-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe qaqərə-m zə-šʼ-jə-ʁe.bəλə-ʁ
child- abs rel . fct -be_scared- pst - obl poss -evil- ins palace- obl rfl . abs - loc -3 sg . erg -hide- pst
The child hid in the barn out of fear.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

sabəjə-r zere-šʼta-ʁe-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe qaqərə-m zə-šʼ-jə-ʁe.bəλə-ʁ
child- abs rel . fct -be_scared- pst - obl poss -harm- ins palace- obl rfl . abs - loc -3 sg . erg -hide- pst
The child hid in the barn out of fear.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

šʼənaʁʷe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe sabəjə-r qaqərə-m zə-šʼ-jə-ʁe.bəλə-ʁ
fear- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins child- abs palace- obl rfl . abs - loc -3 sg . erg -hide- pst
The child hid in the barn out of fear.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

šʼənaʁʷe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew sabəjə-r qaqərə-m zə-šʼ-jə-ʁe.bəλə-ʁ
fear- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv child- abs palace- obl rfl . abs - loc -3 sg . erg -hide- pst
The child hid in the barn out of fear.


Status: main; causal marker: fesce

šʼənaʁʷe-m feṣ̂-(č̣ʼe) sabəjə-r qaqərə-m zə-šʼ-jə-ʁe.bəλə-ʁ
fear- obl for- ins child- abs palace- obl rfl . abs - loc -3 sg . erg -hide- pst
The child hid in the barn out of fear.


Status: alternate; causal marker: apq qjacew

šʼənaʁʷe-m ə-pq q-jə-č̣ʼə- č̣ʼe sabəjə-r qaqərə-m zə-šʼ-jə-ʁe.bəλə-ʁ
fear- obl 3 sg . pr -body csl - loc -go_out- ins child- abs palace- obl rfl . abs - loc -3 sg . erg -hide- pst
The child hid in the barn out of fear.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

ŝərətənəʁe feṣ̂-ew λ̣ə-m zjə ə-ʔʷa-ʁ-ep
modesty for- adv man- obl nothing 3 sg . erg -speak- pst - neg
Modest, the man remained silent.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: paje

ŝərətənəʁe-m paje λ̣ə-m ə-že qə-ze-tər-jə-xə-ʁ-ep
modesty- obl because_of man- obl 3 sg . pr -mouth csl - rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -take- pst - neg
The man, out of modesty, did not open his mouth.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

ŝərətənəʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m ə-že qə-ze-tər-jə-xə-ʁ-ep
modesty- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins man- obl 3 sg . pr -mouth csl - rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -take- pst - neg
The man, out of modesty, did not open his mouth.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

ŝərətənəʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew λ̣ə-m ə-že qə-ze-tər-jə-xə-ʁ-ep
modesty- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv man- obl 3 sg . pr -mouth csl - rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -take- pst - neg
The man, out of modesty, did not open his mouth.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

ŝərətənəʁe-m feṣ̂ λ̣ə-m ə-že qə-ze-tər-jə-xə-ʁ-ep
modesty- obl for man- obl 3 sg . pr -mouth csl - rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -take- pst - neg
The man, out of modesty, did not open his mouth.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

ŝərətə-m paje λ̣ə-m zjə ə-ʔʷa-ʁ-ep
modest- obl because_of man- obl nothing 3 sg . erg -speak- pst - neg
The man is so modest that he didn’t say anything.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

ŝərətə-m jə-ṣ̂ʷaʁe-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m zjə ə-ʔʷa-ʁ-ep
modest- obl poss -benefit- ins man- obl nothing 3 sg . erg -speak- pst - neg
The man is so modest that he didn’t say anything.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

qa-šʼt-jə, bzəλfəʁe-m ə-šə ə-ʔe ə-pχʷeta-ʁ
csl -be_scared- add woman- obl 3 sg . pr -brother 3 sg . pr -hand 3 sg . erg -grab- pst
Frightened, the woman grabbed her brother's hand.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

zere-šʼta-ʁe-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-m ə-šə ə-ʔe ə-pχʷeta-ʁ
rel . fct -be_scared- pst - obl poss -evil- ins woman- obl 3 sg . pr -brother 3 sg . pr -hand 3 sg . erg -grab- pst
The woman grabbed her brother's hand in fear.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

zere-šʼta-ʁe-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-m ə-šə ə-ʔe ə-pχʷeta-ʁ
rel . fct -be_scared- pst - obl poss -harm- ins woman- obl 3 sg . pr -brother 3 sg . pr -hand 3 sg . erg -grab- pst
The woman grabbed her brother's hand in fear.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

šʼəneʁʷe feṣ̂-ew bzəλfəʁe-m ə-š ə-ʔe ə-pχʷeta-ʁ.
fear for- adv woman- obl 3 sg . pr -brother 3 sg . pr -hand 3 sg . erg -grab- pst
The woman grabbed her brother's hand in fear.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

šʼənaʁʷe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-m ə-šə ə-ʔe ə-pχʷeta-ʁ
fear- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins woman- obl 3 sg . pr -brother 3 sg . pr -hand 3 sg . erg -grab- pst
The woman grabbed her brother's hand in fear.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

šʼənaʁʷe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew bzəλfəʁe-m ə-šə ə-ʔe ə-pχʷeta-ʁ
fear- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv woman- obl 3 sg . pr -brother 3 sg . pr -hand 3 sg . erg -grab- pst
The woman grabbed her brother's hand in fear.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

šʼənaʁʷe-m feṣ̂-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-m ə-šə ə-ʔe ə-pχʷeta-ʁ
fear- obl for- ins woman- obl 3 sg . pr -brother 3 sg . pr -hand 3 sg . erg -grab- pst
The woman grabbed her brother's hand in fear.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

bzəλfəʁe-r ʔʷefə-m ə-ʁe-pŝə-ʁ
woman- abs work- obl 3 sg . erg - caus -get_tired- pst
The woman was tired of work.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

bzəλfəʁe-r arʁʷej-me a-ʁe-čəje-r-ep
woman- abs mosquito- obl . pl 3 pl . erg - caus -sleep- dyn - neg
Mosquitoes do not allow a woman to sleep.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: main; causal marker: paje

arʁʷej-xe-m (а-)paje bzəλfəʁe-r čəje-ŝʷə-r-ep
mosquito- pl - obl (3 pl . po )-because_of woman- abs sleep- hbl - dyn - neg
A woman can't sleep because of mosquitoes.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jalazece

arʁʷej-xe-m ja-lažʼe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r čəje-ŝʷə-r-ep
mosquito- pl - obl 3 pl . pr + poss -guilt- ins woman- abs sleep- hbl - dyn - neg
A woman can't sleep because of mosquitoes.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

arʁʷej-xe-m feṣ̂-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r čəje-ŝʷə-r-ep
mosquito- pl - obl for- ins woman- abs sleep- hbl - dyn - neg
A woman can't sleep because of mosquitoes.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

arʁʷej-xe-m ja-jaʁe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r čəje-ŝʷə-r-ep
mosquito- pl - obl 3 pl + poss -evil- ins woman- abs sleep- hbl - dyn - neg
A woman can't sleep because of mosquitoes.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

arʁʷej-xe-m ja-zerar-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r čəje-ŝʷə-r-ep
mosquito- pl - obl 3 pl + poss -harm- ins woman- abs sleep- hbl - dyn - neg
A woman can't sleep because of mosquitoes.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

psə-r maze-m q-j-e-ʁe-ẑəwə
water- abs moon- obl csl -3 sg . erg - dyn - caus -sparkle
The moon illuminates the water.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: main; causal marker: fesce

psə-r maze-m feṣ̂(-č̣ʼe) qe-ẑəwə-re-m fed
water- abs moon- obl for- ins csl -sparkle- dyn - obl similar
Because of the moon, the water looks like it’s glowing.


Status: main; causal marker: jahatarce

jə-he jə-hatər-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-r deʁʷ-ew šeḳʷa-ʁ
poss -dog poss -in- ins man- abs good- adv hunt- pst
The man successfully went hunting thanks to the dog.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jaswakece

jə-he jə-ṣ̂ʷaʁe-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-r deʁʷ-ew šeḳʷa-ʁ
poss -dog poss -benefit- ins man- abs good- adv hunt- pst
The man successfully went hunting thanks to the dog.


Status: main; causal marker: BEN

bzəλfəʁe-r jə-λ̣ə fe-gʷəbžə-ʁ
woman- abs poss -husband ben -be_angry- pst
The wife was angry with her husband.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

bzəλfəʁe-r jǝ-λ̣ə ə-ʁe-gʷəbžə-ʁ
woman- abs poss -husband 3 sg . erg - caus -be_angry- pst
The woman was angry with her husband.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

bzəλfəʁe-r jə-λ̣ə ə-ʔʷa-ʁe-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe fe-gʷəbžə-ʁ
woman- abs poss -husband 3 sg . erg -say- pst - obl poss -evil- ins ben -be_angry- pst
The wife was angry with her husband.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

bzəλfəʁe-r jə-λ̣ə ə-ʔʷa-ʁe-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe fe-gʷəbžə-ʁ
woman- abs poss -husband 3 sg . erg -say- pst - obl poss -harm- ins ben -be_angry- pst
The wife was angry with her husband.


Status: alternate; causal marker: paje

bzəλfəʁe-r jə-λ̣ə paje qe-gʷəẑʷa-ʁ
woman- abs poss -husband because_of csl -be_late- pst
A woman was late for work because of her husband.


Status: main; causal marker: jalazece

bzəλfəʁe-r jə-λ̣ə jə-lažʼe-č̣ʼe qe-gʷəẑʷa-ʁ
woman- abs poss -husband poss -benefit- ins csl -be_late- pst
A woman was late for work because of her husband.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

bzəλfəʁe-r jə-λ̣ə q-ə-ʁe-gʷəẑʷa-ʁ
woman- abs poss -husband csl -3 sg . erg - caus -late- pst
The woman was forced by her husband to be late.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

jə-λ̣ə jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r qe-gʷəẑʷa-ʁ
poss -husband poss -evil- ins woman- abs csl -be_late- pst
A woman was late for work because of her husband.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

jə-λ̣ə jə-zerar-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r qe-gʷəẑʷa-ʁ
poss -husband poss -harm- ins woman- abs csl -be_late- pst
A woman was late for work because of her husband.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

č̣əgʷə.səsənəʁe-m c̣əf-xe-r ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁe-x
earthquake- obl human- pl - abs 3 sg . erg -kill- pst - pl
The earthquake killed people.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

c̣əf-xe-r zə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁe-r č̣əgʷə.səsənəʁe-r arə
human- pl - abs rel . erg -kill- pst - abs earthquake- abs cop
What killed people was the earthquake.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expression corresponding to the causing event is not a syntactic dependent of the expression corresponding to the caused event.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

č̣əgʷə.səsənəʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew c̣əf-xe-r xe-ḳʷeda-ʁe-x
earthquake- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv human- pl - abs loc -disappear- pst - pl
People died due to the earthquake.


Status: main; causal marker: apq qjacew

č̣əgʷə.səsənəʁe-m ə-pq q-jə-č̣ʼ-ew c̣əf-xe-r xe-ḳʷeda-ʁe-x
earthquake- obl 3 sg . pr -flesh csl - loc -go_out- adv human- pl - abs loc -disappear- pst - pl
People died due to the earthquake.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jalazece

č̣əgʷə.səsənəʁe-m jə-lažʼe-č̣ʼe c̣əf-xe-r xe-ḳʷeda-ʁe-x
earthquake- obl poss -benefit- ins human- pl - abs loc -disappear- pst - pl
People died due to the earthquake.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

č̣əgʷə.səsənəʁe-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe c̣əf-xe-r xe-ḳʷeda-ʁe-x
earthquake- obl poss -evil- ins human- pl - abs loc -disappear- pst - pl
People died due to the earthquake.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

č̣əgʷə.səsənəʁe-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe c̣əf-xe-r xe-ḳʷeda-ʁe-x
earthquake- obl poss -harm- ins human- pl - abs loc -disappear- pst - pl
People died due to the earthquake.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

thaməč̣ʼaʁʷ-ew šʼə-ʔe-r c̣əfə-m jə-lažʼ.
misfortune- adv loc -be- abs human- obl poss -guilt
Misfortunes, such as they are, are the fault of man.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expected causal noun phrase is expressed as the grammatical subject.


Status: main; causal marker: jalazece

thaməč̣ʼaʁʷ-ew šʼə-ʔe-r c̣əfə-m jə-lažʼe-č̣ʼe me-χʷə
misfortune- adv loc -be- abs human- obl poss -guilt- ins dyn -happen
All troubles happen because of people.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

thaməč̣ʼaʁʷ-ew šʼə-ʔe-r c̣əfə-m feṣ̂-č̣ʼe me-χʷə
misfortune- adv loc -be- abs human- obl for- ins dyn -happen
All troubles happen because of people.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

thaməč̣ʼaʁʷ-ew šʼə-ʔe-r c̣əfə-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe me-χʷə
misfortune- adv loc -be- abs human- obl poss -evil- ins dyn -happen
All troubles happen because of people.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

thaməč̣ʼaʁʷ-ew šʼə-ʔe-r c̣əfə-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe me-χʷə
misfortune- adv loc -be- abs human- obl poss -harm- ins dyn -happen
All troubles happen because of people.


Status: main; causal marker: fesce

apjeracjəje-m feṣ̂ə-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m nah–deʁʷ-ew ə-λeʁʷə χʷə-ʁe
surgery- obl for- ins man- obl more-well- adv 3 sg . erg -see become- pst
The man began to see better thanks to the operation.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jaswakece

apjeracjəje-m jə-ṣ̂ʷaʁe-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m nah–deʁʷ-ew ə-λeʁʷə χʷə-ʁe
surgery- obl poss -benefit- ins man- obl more-well- adv 3 sg . erg -see become- pst
The man began to see better thanks to the operation.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jahatarce

apjeracjəje-m jə-hatər-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m nah–deʁʷ-ew ə-λeʁʷə χʷə-ʁe
surgery- obl poss -in- ins man- obl more-well- adv 3 sg . erg -see become- pst
The man began to see better thanks to the operation.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

λ̣ə-m feṣ̂(ə-č̣ʼe) bzəλfəʁe-r psaw-ew qe-ne-žʼə-ʁ
man- obl for- ins woman- abs whole- adv csl -stay- re - pst
The woman is alive thanks to this man.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jaswakece

λ̣ə-m jə-ṣ̂ʷaʁe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r psaw-ew qe-ne-žʼə-ʁ
man- obl poss -benefit- ins woman- abs whole- adv csl -stay- re - pst
The woman is alive thanks to this man.


Status: main; causal marker: jahatarce

λ̣ə-m jə-hatər-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r psaw-ew qe-ne-žʼə-ʁ
man- obl poss -gift- ins woman- abs whole- adv csl -stay- re - pst
The woman is alive thanks to this man.


Status: main; causal marker: INS

jə-djeljaʁe-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m a-r jə-ŝʷəzə f-jə-ʔʷeta-ʁ
poss -stupidity- ins man- obl man- obl poss -woman ben -3 sg . erg -tell- pst
The man told his wife about this out of stupidity.


Status: alternate; causal marker: paje

jə-djeljaʁe paje λ̣ə-m a-r jə-ŝʷəzə f-jə-ʔʷeta-ʁ
poss -stupidity because_of man- obl man- obl poss -woman ben -3 sg . erg -tell- pst
The man told his wife about this out of stupidity.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

jə-djeljaʁe qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m a-r jə-ŝʷəzə f-jə-ʔʷeta-ʁ
poss -stupidity csl - loc -go_out- ins man- obl man- obl poss -woman ben -3 sg . erg -tell- pst
The man told his wife about this out of stupidity.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

jə-djeljaʁe qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew λ̣ə-m a-r jə-ŝʷəzə f-jə-ʔʷeta-ʁ
poss -stupidity csl - loc -go_out- adv man- obl man- obl poss -woman ben -3 sg . erg -tell- pst
The man told his wife about this out of stupidity.


Status: alternate; causal marker: paje

jə-mə-saqənəʁe-m paje bzəλfǝʁe-r c̣enλə-ʁe
poss - neg -caution- obl because_of woman- abs slide- pst
The woman slipped due to negligence.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

jə-mə-saqənəʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe bzəλfǝʁe-r c̣enλə-ʁe
poss - neg -caution- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins woman- abs slide- pst
The woman slipped due to negligence.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

jə-mə-saqənəʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew bzəλfǝʁe-r c̣enλə-ʁe
poss - neg -caution- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv woman- abs slide- pst
The woman slipped due to negligence.


Status: main; causal marker: INS

jə-mə-saqənəʁe-č̣ʼe bzəλfǝʁe-r c̣enλə-ʁe
poss - neg -caution- ins woman- abs slide- pst
The woman slipped due to negligence.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

jə-mə-saqənəʁem jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r c̣enλa-ʁe.
poss - neg -caution- obl poss -evil- ins woman- abs slide- pst
The woman slipped due to negligence.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

jə-mə-saqənəʁem jə-zerar-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r c̣enλa-ʁe.
poss - neg -caution- obl poss -harm- ins woman- abs slide- pst
The woman slipped due to negligence.


Status: main; causal marker: jahatarce

ljotčʼjəkə-m jə-ʔepəʔesenəʁe-m jə-hatər-č̣ʼe qʷəh.λate-r ə-ʁe-ṭəsə-ŝʷə-ʁ.
pilot- obl poss -skill- obl poss -in- ins sample- abs 3 sg . erg - caus -sit_down- hbl - pst
The pilot was able to land the plane thanks to his extensive experience.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jaswakece

ljotčʼjəkə-m jə-ʔepəʔesenəʁe-m jə-ṣ̂ʷaʁe-č̣ʼe qʷəh.λate-r ə-ʁe-ṭəsə-ŝʷə-ʁ.
pilot- obl poss -skill- obl poss -benefit- ins sample- abs 3 sg . erg - caus -sit_down- hbl - pst
The pilot was able to land the plane thanks to his extensive experience.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

ʔepəʔesenəʁe-r f-jə-mə-qʷ-ew ljotčʼjəkə-m qʷəh.late-r ə-ʁe-ṭəsə-ŝʷə-ʁ-ep
skill- obl ben - loc - neg -grab- adv pilot- obl aircraft- abs 3 sg . erg - caus -sit_down- hbl - pst - neg
The pilot lacked skill and was unable to land the plane.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expression corresponding to the causing event is not a syntactic dependent of the expression corresponding to the caused event.


Status: main; causal marker: jajakece

ʔepəʔesenəʁe-r zere-f-jə-mə-qʷə-re-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe ljotčʼjəkə-m qʷəh.late-r ə-ʁe-ṭəsə-ŝʷə-ʁ-ep
skill- obl rel . fct - ben - loc - neg -grab- dyn - obl poss -evil- ins pilot- obl aircraft- abs 3 sg . erg - caus -sit_down- hbl - pst - neg
The pilot was unable to land the plane due to inexperience.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

ʔepəʔesenəʁe-r zere-f-jə-mə-qʷə-re-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe ljotčʼjəkə-m qʷəh.late-r ə-ʁe-ṭəsə-ŝʷə-ʁ-ep
skill- obl rel . fct - ben - loc - neg -grab- dyn - obl poss -harm- ins pilot- obl aircraft- abs 3 sg . erg - caus -sit_down- hbl - pst - neg
The pilot was unable to land the plane due to inexperience.


Status: main; causal marker: paje

zewe–λeχanə-m c̣əf-me ʁable-m paje wəc a-šxə-šʼtə-ʁ
war-time- obl human- obl . pl famine- obl because_of grass 3 pl . erg -eat- aux - pst
During the war, people ate grass out of hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

zewe–λeχanə-m c̣əf-me ʁable-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe wəc a-šxə-šʼtə-ʁ
war-time- obl human- obl . pl famine- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins grass 3 pl . erg -eat- aux - pst
During the war, people ate grass out of hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

zewe–λeχanə-m c̣əf-me ʁable-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew wəc a-šxə-šʼtə-ʁ
war-time- obl human- obl . pl famine- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv grass 3 pl . erg -eat- aux - pst
During the war, people ate grass out of hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

zewe–λeχanə-m c̣əf-me ʁable-m feṣ̂(-č̣ʼe) wəc a-šxə-šʼtə-ʁ
war-time- obl human- obl . pl famine- obl for(- ins ) grass 3 pl . erg -eat- aux - pst
During the war, people ate grass out of hunger.


Status: alternate; causal marker: apq qjacew

zewe–λeχanə-m ʁable-m ə-pq q-jə-č̣ʼ-ew c̣əf-me wəc a-šxə-šʼtə-ʁ
war-time- obl famine- obl 3 sg . pr -flesh csl - loc -go_out- adv human- obl . pl grass 3 pl . erg -eat- aux - pst
During the war, people ate grass out of hunger.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

bzaǯʼe-m paje bzəλfəʁe-r wəne-m jə-ha-ʁ
wicked- obl because_of woman- abs house- obl loc -come_in- pst
The woman was so mischievous that she entered the house.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

bzaǯʼe-m jə-ṣ̂ʷaʁe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r wəne-m jə-ha-ʁ
wicked- obl poss -benefit- ins woman- abs house- obl loc -come_in- pst
The woman was so mischievous that she entered the house.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: qaxecace

jeŝʷəʁʷənəʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m jə-ŝʷəz ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁ
jealousy- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins man- obl poss -wife 3 sg . erg -kill- pst
A man killed his wife out of jealousy.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

jeŝʷəʁʷənəʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew λ̣ə-m jə-ŝʷəz ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁ
jealousy- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv man- obl poss -wife 3 sg . erg -kill- pst
A man killed his wife out of jealousy.


Status: alternate; causal marker: apq qjacew

jeŝʷəʁʷənəʁe-m ə-pq q-jə-č̣ʼ-ew λ̣ə-m jə-ŝʷəz ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁ
jealousy- obl 3 sg . pr -flesh csl - loc -go_out- adv man- obl poss -wife 3 sg . erg -kill- pst
A man killed his wife out of jealousy.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

jeŝʷəʁʷənəʁe-m feṣ̂(-č̣ʼe) λ̣ə-m jə-ŝʷəz ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁ
jealousy- obl for- ins man- obl poss -wife 3 sg . erg -kill- pst
A man killed his wife out of jealousy.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jalazece

jeŝʷəʁʷənəʁe-m jə-lažʼe-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m jə-ŝʷəz ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁ
jealousy- obl poss -guilt- ins man- obl poss -wife 3 sg . erg -kill- pst
A man killed his wife out of jealousy.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

jeŝʷəʁʷənəʁe-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m jə-ŝʷəz ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁ
jealousy- obl poss -evil- ins man- obl poss -wife 3 sg . erg -kill- pst
A man killed his wife out of jealousy.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

jeŝʷəʁʷənəʁe-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m jə-ŝʷəz ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁ
jealousy- obl poss -harm- ins man- obl poss -wife 3 sg . erg -kill- pst
A man killed his wife out of jealousy.


Status: main; causal marker: paje

jə-pegaʁe paje a-r λ̣ə-m zeč̣ʼe-m-jə a-f-jə-ʔʷeta-ʁ
poss -swagger because_of dem - abs man- obl all- obl - add 3 pl . io - ben -3 sg . erg -tell- pst
The man told everyone about this out of vanity.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

jə-pegaʁe qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe a-r λ̣ə-m zeč̣ʼe-m-jə a-f-jə-ʔʷeta-ʁ
poss -swagger csl - loc -go_out- ins csl - loc -go_out- ins man- obl all- obl - add 3 pl . io - ben -3 sg . erg -tell- pst
The man told everyone about this out of vanity.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

jə-pegaʁe qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew a-r λ̣ə-m zeč̣ʼe-m-jə a-f-jə-ʔʷeta-ʁ
poss -swagger csl - loc -go_out- adv csl - loc -go_out- adv man- obl all- obl - add 3 pl . io - ben -3 sg . erg -tell- pst
The man told everyone about this out of vanity.


Status: alternate; causal marker: apq qjacew

jə-pegaʁe ə-pq q-jə-č̣ʼ-ew a-r λ̣ə-m zeč̣ʼe-m-jə a-f-jə-ʔʷeta-ʁ
poss -swagger 3 sg . pr -flesh csl - loc -go_out- adv csl - loc -go_out- adv man- obl all- obl - add 3 pl . io - ben -3 sg . erg -tell- pst
The man told everyone about this out of vanity.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

jə-pegaʁe feṣ̂-č̣ʼe a-r λ̣ə-m zeč̣ʼe-m-jə a-f-jə-ʔʷeta-ʁ
poss -swagger for- ins for- ins man- obl all- obl - add 3 pl . io - ben -3 sg . erg -tell- pst
The man told everyone about this out of vanity.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

bzəλfəʁe-m haqʷə.šəqʷə-xe-r gʷəbžə-ʁe-m paje ze-x-jə-qʷəta-ʁe-x
woman- obl vessel- pl - abs be_angry- pst - obl because_of rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -break- pst - pl
The woman broke all the dishes out of anger.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

bzəλfəʁe-m haqʷə.šəqʷə-xe-r gʷəbžə-ʁe-m jə-ṣ̂ʷaʁe-č̣ʼe ze-x-jə-qʷəta-ʁe-x
woman- obl vessel- pl - abs be_angry- pst - obl poss -benefit- ins rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -break- pst - pl
The woman broke all the dishes out of anger.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

bzəλfəʁe-m haqʷə.šəqʷə-xe-r gʷəbžə-ʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe ze-x-jə-qʷəta-ʁe-x
woman- obl vessel- pl - abs be_angry- pst - obl csl - loc -go_out- ins rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -break- pst - pl
The woman broke all the dishes out of anger.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

bzəλfəʁe-m haqʷə.šəqʷə-xe-r gʷəbžə-ʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew ze-x-jə-qʷəta-ʁe-x
woman- obl vessel- pl - abs be_angry- pst - obl csl - loc -go_out- adv rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -break- pst - pl
The woman broke all the dishes out of anger.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.

bzəλfəʁe-m haqʷə.šəqʷə-xe-r gʷəbžə-ʁe-m xe-t-ew ze-x-jə-qʷəta-ʁe-x
woman- obl vessel- pl - abs be_angry- pst - obl loc -stand- adv rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -break- pst - pl
The woman broke all the dishes out of anger.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

bzəλfəʁe-m haqʷə.šəqʷə-xe-r gʷəbžə-ʁe-m ə-pq q-jə-č̣ʼ-ew ze-x-jə-qʷəta-ʁe-x
woman- obl vessel- pl - abs be_angry- pst - obl 3 sg . pr -flesh csl - loc -go_out- adv rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -break- pst - pl
The woman broke all the dishes out of anger.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

bzəλfəʁe-m haqʷə.šəqʷə-xe-r gʷəbžə-ʁe-m jə-ṣ̂ʷaʁe-č̣ʼe ze-x-jə-qʷəta-ʁe-x
woman- obl vessel- pl - abs be_angry- pst - obl poss -benefit- ins rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -break- pst - pl
The woman broke all the dishes out of anger.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

gʷəbžə.ʁe-m paje bzəλfəʁe-m haqʷə.šəqʷə-xe-r ze-x-jə-qʷəta-ʁe-x
angry- obl because_of woman- obl vessel- pl - abs rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -break- pst - pl
The woman was so angry that she broke all the dishes.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

gʷəbžə.ʁe-m jə-ṣ̂ʷaʁe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-m haqʷə.šəqʷə-xe-r ze-x-jə-qʷəta-ʁe-x
angry- obl poss -benefit- ins woman- obl vessel- pl - abs rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -break- pst - pl
The woman was so angry that she broke all the dishes.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

gʷəbžə.ʁe feṣ̂-ew bzəλfəʁe-m haqʷə.šəqʷə-xe-r ze-x-jə-qʷəta-ʁe-x
angry for- adv woman- obl vessel- pl - abs rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -break- pst - pl
Being in a state of anger, the woman broke all the dishes.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

zere-gʷəbžə-ʁe-m paje bzəλfəʁe-m haqʷə.šəqʷə-xe-r ze-x-jə-qʷəta-ʁe-x
rel . fct -be_angry- pst - obl because_of woman- obl vessel- pl - abs rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -break- pst - pl
Because she was angry, the woman broke all the dishes.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

zere-gʷəbžə-ʁe-m feṣ̂-(č̣ʼe) bzəλfəʁe-m haqʷə.šəqʷə-xe-r ze-x-jə-qʷəta-ʁe-x
rel . fct -be_angry- pst - obl for- ins woman- obl vessel- pl - abs rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -break- pst - pl
Because she was angry, the woman broke all the dishes.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

zere-gʷəbžə-ʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-m haqʷə.šəqʷə-xe-r ze-x-jə-qʷəta-ʁe-x
rel . fct -be_angry- pst - obl csl - loc -go_out- ins woman- obl vessel- pl - abs rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -break- pst - pl
Because she was angry, the woman broke all the dishes.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

zere-gʷəbžə-ʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew bzəλfəʁe-m haqʷə.šəqʷə-xe-r ze-x-jə-qʷəta-ʁe-x
rel . fct -be_angry- pst - obl csl - loc -go_out- adv woman- obl vessel- pl - abs rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -break- pst - pl
Because she was angry, the woman broke all the dishes.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

zere-gʷəbžə-ʁe-m ə-pq q-jə-č̣ʼ-ew bzəλfəʁe-m haqʷə.šəqʷə-xe-r ze-x-jə-qʷəta-ʁe-x
rel . fct -be_angry- pst - obl 3 sg . pr -flesh csl - loc -go_out- adv woman- obl vessel- pl - abs rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -break- pst - pl
Because she was angry, the woman broke all the dishes.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

(zere-)gʷəbžə-ʁe-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-m haqʷə.šəqʷə-xe-r ze-x-jə-qʷəta-ʁe-x
rel . fct -be_angry- pst - obl poss -evil- ins woman- obl vessel- pl - abs rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -break- pst - pl
The woman broke all the dishes out of anger.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

(zere-)gʷəbžə-ʁe-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-m haqʷə.šəqʷə-xe-r ze-x-jə-qʷəta-ʁe-x
rel . fct -be_angry- pst - obl poss -harm- ins woman- obl vessel- pl - abs rec . io - loc -3 sg . erg -break- pst - pl
The woman broke all the dishes out of anger.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: paje

čəʔe-m paje bzəλfəʁe-rʁ-ew čəja-ʁe
cold- obl because_of woman- abs put_on- res - adv sleep- pst
The woman went to bed dressed because of the cold.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

čəʔe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-rʁ-ew čəja-ʁe
cold- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins woman- abs put_on- res - adv sleep- pst
The woman went to bed dressed because of the cold.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

čəʔe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew bzəλfəʁe-rʁ-ew čəja-ʁe
cold- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv woman- abs put_on- res - adv sleep- pst
The woman went to bed dressed because of the cold.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

čəʔe-m feṣ̂-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-rʁ-ew čəja-ʁe
cold- obl for- ins woman- abs put_on- res - adv sleep- pst
The woman went to bed dressed because of the cold.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jalazece

čəʔe-m jə-lažʼe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-rʁ-ew čəja-ʁe
cold- obl poss -guilt- ins woman- abs put_on- res - adv sleep- pst
The woman went to bed dressed because of the cold.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jaswakece

čəʔe-m jə-ṣ̂ʷaʁe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-rʁ-ew čəja-ʁe
cold- obl poss -benefit- ins woman- abs put_on- res - adv sleep- pst
It was so cold that the woman went to bed dressed.


Status: main; causal marker: paje

č̣ʼelejeʁaǯʼe-r studjentə-m jə-ǯʼane paje šʼə-tχʷə-ʁ
teacher- abs a_student- obl poss -dress because_of loc -praise- pst
The teacher praised the student for his costume.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

č̣ʼelejeʁaǯʼe-r studjentə-m jə-ǯʼane feṣ̂(-č̣ʼe) šʼə-tχʷə-ʁ
teacher- abs a_student- obl poss -dress for- ins loc -praise- pst
The teacher praised the student for his costume.


Status: alternate; causal marker: paje

gʷəšʼəʔe–mə.χʷə.nə-m paje λ̣ə-m jə-ʁʷəneʁʷə-r ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁ
word-unacceptable- obl because_of man- obl poss -neighbour- abs 3 sg . erg -beat- pst
The man beat his neighbor for his words.


Status: main; causal marker: qaxecace

gʷəšʼəʔe–mə.χʷə.nə-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m jə-ʁʷəneʁʷə-r ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁ
word-unaccepyable- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins man- obl poss -neighbour- abs 3 sg . erg -beat- pst
The man beat his neighbor for his words.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

gʷəšʼəʔe–mə.χʷə.nə-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew λ̣ə-m jə-ʁʷəneʁʷə-r ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁ
word-unaccepyable- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv man- obl poss -neighbour- abs 3 sg . erg -beat- pst
The man beat his neighbor for his words.


Status: alternate; causal marker: apq qjacew

gʷəšʼəʔe–mə.χʷə.nə-m ə-pq q-jə-č̣ʼ-ew λ̣ə-m jə-ʁʷəneʁʷə-r ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁ
word-unaccepyable- obl 3 sg . pr -flesh csl - loc -go_out- adv man- obl poss -neighbour- abs 3 sg . erg -beat- pst
The man beat his neighbor for his words.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jalazece

gʷəšʼəʔe–mə.χʷə.nə-m jə-lažʼe-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m jə-ʁʷəneʁʷə-r ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁ
word-unaccepyable- obl poss -guilt- ins man- obl poss -neighbour- abs 3 sg . erg -beat- pst
The man beat his neighbor for his words.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

gʷəšʼəʔe–mə.χʷə.nə-m feṣ̂-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m jə-ʁʷəneʁʷə-r ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁ
word-unaccepyable- obl for- ins man- obl poss -neighbour- abs 3 sg . erg -beat- pst
The man beat his neighbor for his words.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

gʷəšʼəʔe–məχʷən zer-jə-ʔʷa-ʁe-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m jə-ʁʷəneʁʷə-r ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁ
word-unaccepyable- obl rel . fct -3 sg . erg -say- pst - obl poss -evil- ins man- obl poss -neighbour- abs 3 sg . erg -beat- pst
Because the neighbor said (unacceptable things), the man beat him.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

gʷəšʼəʔe–məχʷən zer-jə-ʔʷa-ʁe-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m jə-ʁʷəneʁʷə-r ə-wəč̣ʼə-ʁ
word-unaccepyable- obl rel . fct -3 sg . erg -say- pst - obl poss -harm- ins man- obl poss -neighbour- abs 3 sg . erg -beat- pst
Because the neighbor said (unacceptable things), the man beat him.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: main; causal marker: paje

mjačʼə-m paje sabəj-xe-r ze-zewa-ʁe-x
ball- obl because_of child- pl - abs rec . io -fight- pst - pl
The children fought over the ball.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

mjačʼə-m feṣ̂-č̣ʼe sabəj-xe-r ze-zewa-ʁe-x
ball- obl for- ins child- pl - abs rec . io -fight- pst - pl
The children fought over the ball.


Status: main; causal marker: paje

λ̣ə-m-re ə-šə-re č̣ʼenə-m paje ze-de-wa-ʁe-x
man- obl - coord 3 sg . pr -brother- coord inheritance- obl because_of rec . io - com -beat- pst - pl
A man quarreled with his brother over an inheritance.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

λ̣ə-m-re ə-šə-re č̣ʼenə-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-č̣ʼe ze-de-wa-ʁe-x
man- obl - coord 3 sg . pr -brother- coord inheritance- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins rec . io - com -beat- pst - pl
A man quarreled with his brother over an inheritance.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

λ̣ə-m-re ə-šə-re č̣ʼenə-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-ew ze-de-wa-ʁe-x
man- obl - coord 3 sg . pr -brother- coord inheritance- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv rec . io - com -beat- pst - pl
A man quarreled with his brother over an inheritance.


Status: alternate; causal marker: apq qjacew

λ̣ə-m-re ə-šə-re č̣ʼenə-m ə-pq q-jə-č̣ʼ-ew ze-de-wa-ʁe-x
man- obl - coord 3 sg . pr -brother- coord inheritance- obl 3 sg . pr -flesh csl - loc -go_out- adv rec . io - com -beat- pst - pl
A man quarreled with his brother over an inheritance.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

λ̣ə-m-re ə-šə-re č̣ʼenə-m feṣ̂(-č̣ʼe) ze-de-wa-ʁe-x
man- obl - coord 3 sg . pr -brother- coord inheritance- obl for- ins rec . io - com -beat- pst - pl
A man quarreled with his brother over an inheritance.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

č̣ʼenə-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m-re ə-šə-re ze-de-wa-ʁe-x
inheritance- obl poss -evil- ins man- obl - coord 3 sg . pr -brother- coord rec . io - com -beat- pst - pl
A man quarreled with his brother over an inheritance.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jazerarce

č̣ʼenə-m jə-zerar-č̣ʼe λ̣ə-m-re ə-šə-re ze-de-wa-ʁe-x
inheritance- obl poss -harm- ins man- obl - coord 3 sg . pr -brother- coord rec . io - com -beat- pst - pl
A man quarreled with his brother over an inheritance.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

bzəλfəʁe-m txəλə-r qə-č̣ʼ-jə-šʼefə-ʁe-r swəret-xe-r arə
woman- obl book- abs csl - rsn -3 sg . erg -buy- pst - abs drawing- pl - abs cop
The reason the woman bought the book was the drawings.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the expression corresponding to the causing event is not a syntactic dependent of the expression corresponding to the caused event.


Status: main; causal marker: paje

bzəλfəʁe-m txəλə-r swəret-xe-m paje q-ə-šʼefə-ʁ
woman- obl book- abs drawing- pl - obl because_of csl -3 sg . erg -buy- pst
The woman bought this book because of the drawings.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

bzəλfəʁe-m txəλə-r swəret-xe-m feṣ̂-(č̣ʼe) q-ə-šʼefə-ʁ
woman- obl book- abs drawing- pl - obl for- ins csl -3 sg . erg -buy- pst
The woman bought this book because of the drawings.


Status: main; causal marker: paje

čʼefənča.ʁe-m paje bzəλfəʁe-r jə-nəbǯʼeʁʷ ʔʷə.č̣ʼa-ʁ-ep
sadness- obl because_of woman- obl poss -other meet- pst - neg
The woman did not meet with her friend because she was in a bad mood.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecew

čʼefənča.ʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼə-ew bzəλfəʁe-r jə-nəbǯʼeʁʷ ʔʷə.č̣ʼa-ʁ-ep
sadness- obl csl - loc -go_out- adv woman- obl poss -other meet- pst - neg
The woman did not meet with her friend because she was in a bad mood.


Status: alternate; causal marker: qaxecace

čʼefənča.ʁe-m qə-xe-č̣ʼ-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r jə-nəbǯʼeʁʷ ʔʷə.č̣ʼa-ʁ-ep
sadness- obl csl - loc -go_out- ins woman- obl poss -other meet- pst - neg
The woman did not meet with her friend because she was in a bad mood.


Status: alternate; causal marker: fesce

čʼefənča.ʁe-m feṣ̂-(č̣ʼe) bzəλfəʁe-r jə-nəbǯʼeʁʷ ʔʷə.č̣ʼa-ʁ-ep
sadness- obl for- ins woman- obl poss -other meet- pst - neg
The woman did not meet with her friend because she was in a bad mood.


Status: alternate; causal marker: n.a.

čʼefənče-m jə-ṣ̂ʷaʁe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r jə-nəbǯʼeʁʷ ʔʷə.č̣ʼa-ʁ-ep
sad- obl poss -benefit- ins woman- obl poss -other meet- pst - neg
The woman was so sad that she did not meet with her friend.
Note: This translation is not included in the database because the causing event is expressed as a dependent clause, not a noun phrase.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

zere-čʼefənče-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r jə-nəbǯʼeʁʷ ʔʷə.č̣ʼa-ʁ-ep
rel . fct -sad- obl poss -evil- ins woman- obl poss -other meet- pst - neg
The woman did not meet with her friend because she was in a bad mood.


Status: alternate; causal marker: jajakece

čʼefənča.ʁe-m jə-jaʁe-č̣ʼe bzəλfəʁe-r jə-nəbǯʼeʁʷ ʔʷə.č̣ʼa-ʁ-ep
sadness- obl poss -harm- ins woman- obl poss -other meet- pst - neg
The woman did not meet with her friend because she was in a bad mood.


Status: main; causal marker: INS

psə–λeban-ew ʁʷegʷə-m tje-tə-m-č̣ʼe, təʁʷes–čʼešʼə q-je-šʼxə-ʁ
water-puddle- adv road- obl loc -stand- obl - ins yesterday csl - dat -rain- pst


Status: main; causal marker: INS

jə-stərəʁe-č̣ʼe psə-r qe-ẑʷa-ʁ
poss -heat- ins water- abs csl -boil- pst


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.


Status: main; causal marker: n.a.


Status: main; causal marker: INS

hjəsap–xabze-m-č̣ʼe pčaʁe-r zə-m nah–mač̣ʼ-ew χʷə-n-ew ə-λeč̣ʼə-šʼt-ep
count-custom- obl - ins dem number- abs one- obl more-small- adv become- msd - adv 3 sg . erg -be_able- fut - neg


Status: alternate; causal marker: jelatakew

hjəsap–xabze-m je-λətə-ʁ-ew pčaʁe-r zə-m nah–mač̣ʼ-ew χʷə-n-ew ə-λeč̣ʼə-šʼt-ep
count-custom- obl - ins dat -count- res - adv dat -count- res - adv number- abs one- obl more-small- adv become- msd - adv 3 sg . erg -be_able- fut - neg